"And I don't give a shit about what you think or say." You replied, trying to put whatever she said farther from your mind.

Liz clenched her fist with your back talk because no one was brave enough to do that with her and Brad. They were basically the king and queen of the school.

"Are you done? I'm hungry and where the hell is Peter?" You sassed.

In an instant, Liz shoved her fist towards you and with your newfound lightning powers, you managed to read it and dodge it at the perfect time.

Her fist landed on the locker which she yelled in pain. She saw the smug smirk on your face and her gang read her sign so well that they immediately went to grab hold you.

You rolled your eyes as you could escape the grips easily if you wanted to but you wanted this to be over, so you let Liz felt like she conquered everything this time.

"No one is here to save you now, huh?" She said proudly.

"I can save myself." You muttered under your breath.

"Where the fuck have you been in that four months, huh? They said you were homeschooled, but why are you here again? Did your uncle Tony ran out of money? Or did he think that you're not worth it for homeschool, and just a waste of money?" She smirked.

You shrugged, "Whatever eases your mind."

She was so mad with your bland reply.

Brad came to her and whispered something in her ear that made her grin like crazy.

"That's a great guess, babe."

You made a disgusted face at the pet name.

"My boyfriend here reminded me that the last day we saw you in school was when you ran away from us to cry. And I think I remember what did I say to you that day. Do you want me to repeat it and make you remember?" She asked with a smirk.

"Whatever." You said.

You had gone through enough for you to care about what she was going to say.

"Are you challenging me? Gosh, are you really even Romanoff's daughter? I thought people praised her for being the fearless one among the men around her. And look at you, being held by my girls and you can't do anything but to look weak and pitiful."

Her friends who held you laughed and she looked at you boastfully.

"Such a loser to be called her daughter. Even the people on the internet said that you might be the kid she saved from the streets and took you in. Or, the leak of her information said that she killed people, and she would do anything to get what she wants-" Liz got closer to you and leaned to your ear, "That she let her enemy fucked her to get what she wanted and maybe they accidentally knocked her up with you."

"Stop it." You clenched your fist, trying to get all the patience you could get.

"Liz, Brad! Let her go! You guys never learn the lesson, did you?!"

Peter shouted as he tried to get as close as he could with all the students rounding you and the gang.

"What? I'm just reminding her who she is, right y/n?" Liz pouted as she pinched your cheek.

"You have no rights to say anything about me or my mom. So you better shut the fuck up. You don't know anything about me!"

"Then tell me!"

Peter panicked when his spider senses picked up your heartbeat. He pulled out his phone and dialed Natasha's number immediately.

"Peter, what's going on?" She asked as soon as she answered.

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now