Chapter 14

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Y/n= Your name.




Location-- Milano


Gamora: Mantis, what happened on Lamentis after we left? Last time we saw you, things looked dire.

Mantis: It's a long story. We can talk about it after you do like Star-Guy says and use the bathroom.

Gamora: I don't need to.

Mantis: Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you when Church Grandpa makes you do faith crunches.

Gamora: Wait, Raker is gonna do what?

Mantis: It depends, but at some point someone says my name... and then there's a little bit of pee.

Rocket: Great, I did not want to know that.

Groot: I am Groot.

Mantis: Oh yeah, Little Fuzzy. Maybe the little bit of pee is you.


Rocket: Nope. And what are you Laughing at kid?

Y/n: Nothing, nothing.

Rocket: That's right it better be nothing.

Y/n: Whatever you say bud.

Kammy: Plaaaaaaah!

Mantis: Aw. She says thank you for getting rid of Aiden Warsock. Apparently she like me and Wolf-guy better.

Y/n: What can I say I always had a way with animals. (pets Kammy)

Peter: Adam Warlock?

Mantis: Yeah, him! She thinks in bleats. It translates weird.

Peter: Mantis! I've got so many questions.

Mantis: I know! And I've got so many answers! Like "seize the means of production," or "It's not just a rash," or "yes, it is gluten free!"

Y/n:... okay then.

Peter: Uh... Not the answers I was looking for, but now I'm wondering about the questions.

Mantis: What questions?

Peter: How did you convince Lady Hellbender to meet us on Maklu lV? You weren't even with us when we decided to go.

Mantis: Actually, convincing her to go after you wasn't hard at all. But, convincing her to hear you out... oof! That was tough! I had to get all creepy mystical and spook her with warnings about what would happen otherwise.

Peter: You told her about the end of the universe? And she believed you?

Mantis: Oh on, not at first! But when I brought up all of her precious monsters dying, she came around. Couldn't take that chance with her babies, y'know?

Y/n: Right well if you excuse me I got some stuff to do.

Y/n gets up and walks into his room. Not to long after he entered his room, a  knock could be heard on his door. Y/n opens the Door to see Peter standing there.

Y/n: Hey old man what's up?

Peter: Could I come in?

Y/n: Yeah sure.

Y/n moves out of the way so his dad could come in.

Peter: I just wanted to check in.

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