Chapter 10

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Y/n=Your Name





Rocket: What are we looking for in here?

Gamora: She doesn't know.

Peter: Something that's gonna help Drax.

Rocket: And we're all just taking the word of this space case?

Gamora: She's not a space--

They come to an opening and see Big crystals.

Mantis: Oooooooooooooh! Spooky.

Peter: Spooky is right.

Rocket: More like deadly! We sure about this?

Gamora: Nope.

Rocket: Maybe Drax just needs to sleep it off? I mean, he seems fine-ish.

Mantis: My telepathic control won't last, little Fuzzy. Only Green Meanie's friend's ever help him see through the Matriarch's lies. And it only happens here.

Peter: Everyone just remember we're here for Drax.

Y/n: Yeah and Drax would do the same for us. But it would help if we knew what to look for.

Peter goes to jump over a gap but almost falls as the edge he was grabbing onto starts to fall apart. Peter gets a better grip and pulls himself up to safety.

Peter: Whoa! This place is really unstable!

Rocket: Lousy cave's gonna kill us all!

Mantis: Oh no, not all of us. Not this time, I think

Y/n: This time? I still don't even know who you are.

Gamora: She's Mantis One of my friends and We ran into her on Knowhere when you were you know...

Y/n: Dead?

Gamora: Yeah that.

Y/n: I see....

Rocket: More water? What's wrong with this lousy planet?

Peter: Doesn't seem that bad...

Rocket: Seems deadly! And cold! And wet!

Peter: Come on, Rocket. A little water's not gonna hurt you.

Mantis: Death by drowning is actually quite common throughout Little Fuzzy's alternate futures. I have heard so many of his panicked final gasps.

Y/n: Okay not helping at all just saying.

Peter: I'm sure it'll get drier from here on out.

Mantis: Oh, you are so wrong, Stir-fry! Poor Little Fuzzy.

Gamora:(chuckles) Stir-Fry. That's a good one.


Mantis: You've been smiling a lot more, Gamora. See! told you being in a group would help! I also sense a connection with Wolf guy, That is also making you more happy Gamora. (gasp) Are you two together!

Peter: What! You guys are Dating!?

Y/n: Yare Yare Old man. Shouldn't we be helping Drax and not talking about what  might be happening between me and Gamora?

Rocket:(laughing) They are Dating!


Gamora:(whispers to Y/n) So much for waiting until we are ready.

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