Chapter 2

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Y/n= Your name.





The Guardians of the Galaxy are Upside down in their ship as A big ship called Hala's Hope come towards them.

Gamora: It's a patrol ship. Designattion, Hala'a Hope.

Y/n: Oh that's a big ship.

Peter: Uh, did you say Hala's Hope?!

Rocket: Um ( clears throat) there's uh... this thing... I gotta do. I'll be right back.

Gamora: We need to get rid of that animal. Now.


Peter looks at the animal as it's next to Y/n and Y/n is petting it and they look at him and he stops.

Y/n: What?

Gamora: I'm serious, Peter. If it stays on the ship we all go to prison.

Peter: No one's going to jail. It's a harmless space llama thingy.

Gamora: Harmless? Remember Inaku B?

Y/n: What's Inaku B?

Peter: Not really, no.

Gamora: That's because they scorched the planet because an idiot smuggled in an Exolon.

Drax: I will eject the beast into space.

Y/n: Hell no! We are not ejecting anything. Besides that would make us look guilty. We should hide it.

Peter: Y/n's got a point it would make us look guilty.

Gamora: It could be carrying Zefron's disease.

Y/n: I'm gonna guess that's a bad thing.

Peter: Which is why Drax is gonna hide it like Y/n said in the secret cargo compartment behind Groot's plants.

Ko-Rel: Peter. Jason. Quill.

Y/n: Oh shit she used your full name we are fucked.

Peter: Not helping Y/n.

Peter: (whispers) Really? My middle name?

Peter: Hey, Ko- Rel... How you doing? How long's it been? 2, 3 years? You look good. You been tanning?

Ko-Rel: This is a new low, Peter. Even for you.

Peter: Ko-Rel, I swear! It's not what it looks like.

Ko-Rel: That you're a junker trespassing in the most restricted area of space? Who consorts with thieves and murders, apparently. (looks over at Y/n) You're new who are you?

Y/n looks at peter with a 'what do i tell her face' peter nods telling him it's alright to tell her.

Y/n: Names Y/n Quill.

Ko-Rel: Interesting.

Rocket: Hey! Killing people for money ain't murder, lady.

Peter: Come on, Ko-Rel. You know me. We've been to hell and back. Sure, I've done some shady stuff since the War. Like, really shady stuff. But junking?

Ko-Rel: I just caught you pink-handed leaving the Quarantine Zone.

Peter: Technically, yes. But we weren't scavenging.

Ko-Rel: Right.

Drax walks in holding a box full of loot.

Drax: Peter Quill. I found these items in the space that you told me about. There was not enough room for both the other thing and these.

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