Chapter 7

1.9K 33 14

Y/n=Your name




Location Hala's Hope.


As the Guardians Pass thought the portal they come out floating around.

Peter: Woah!

Drax: This cannot be the correct--

Rocket: What the flark?!

Peter: You guys okay?

Gamora: Do we look okay?

Peter: Well, hang in there. me and Y/n will try to restore gravity.

Y/n: No can do old man.

Peter: What Why?

Y/n: I don't have my jet boots anymore. They didn't fit.

Peter: Oh.

Y/n: Yeah so it's just you on this one.

Peter: Alright.

Rocket: Oh great. we're gonna be stuck like this forever.

Peter: Rocket, buddy? What am I looking for?

Rocket: Drax, tell Scut-Lord most ships use external power conduits to generate pseudogravity in hyperbaric airlocks.

Drax: The best says to find a power conduit.

Peter: Right... And what do those look like?

Rocket: Tell him any vestiges of power should show up oh his visor. And to stop asking so many flarking questions and get us down from here!

Drax: Something terrible happened here.

Gamora: What gave it away? The lack of gravity, or the general destruction?

Drax: Both are undeniable clues.

Gamora: So Y/n?

Y/n: Whats up?

Gamora: You said you had a chat with your family when you were dead. Did you learn anything new that you didn't know before?

Y/n: Ah you know what I did and seeing we are just floating around I could tell you some stuff. I found out that My mother is not from this universe she got sent here when her and her brother and father were fighting someone.

Rocket: HA! You want us to believe that!

Y/n: That's up to you I don't really care if you believe me or not.

Gamora: Really? What else?

Drax: Yes like how you got bigger.

Y/n: That I'm not ready to tell you guys just yet. Sorry.

Drax: It is fine Y/n Quill you will tell us when you are ready.

Y/n: Thanks Drax for understanding. Hey Old Man?

Peter: Yeah Bud?

Y/n: Me and you need to have a talk.

Peter: Alright let's talk.

Y/n: In private.

Peter: Oh. so Later then?

Y/n: Most likely.

Drax: Dog report item--

Rocket: Who the flark are you talking to?

Drax: I am making mental notes of the investigation. It seems pertinent that a number of escape pods are missing.

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