I was able to hold up the wall long enough for them to get away before fire melted my wall and burst through it, knocking me on my butt. 

Even with waterbending, I was limited by my finite amount of water. After they realized they could evaporate my water if they fired strategically, and I had lost my dagger, I was pretty much defenseless. And to make matters worse, the captain had called in reinforcements.

There I stood with my bruised from fist fighting and bloody from blade cuts body, surrounded by about a hundred Fire Nation Soldiers. I heard smug laughter and turned to see the captain again.

"What are you going to do now, little girl?" He said smugly. I tried to control my tired breathing. 

"If you thought I was going to surrender, you're wrong," I said, bringing my hands back up for a fight. Once again, the captain's smug laughter filled the air. He ordered the attack to start and all hundred soldiers charged me. A wave of fire charged me and I had no choice.

I firebent just enough to keep the enormous heat wave from burning me. The soldiers closed in on me and soon the fire stopped, but my hands were restrained. The soldiers made me kneel in front of their captain and pulled down my mask. The captain gasped. 

"Oh ain't this a treat. False alarm boys, we're not taking this one to a regular earthbender holding place. This is General Yaika's long lost waterbending daughter," he said and I failed to hide my gasp.

"So what are we going to do with her, Captain?" A soldier asked. The captain smirked and held my chin in his hand. 

"We're taking her to the Fire Lord and her father. In the Fire Nation Capital City." Dad's still alive?

One month later...

I've been this squadron's prisoner for a month now. The reinforcements that had been called in to help capture me had to go back to their posts, leaving the group a lot smaller. The captain's plans of taking me to the Capital City were delayed because they kept stopping to collect earthbenders. 

We finally stopped at a coastal town and they dropped a majority of the prisoners there. I was kept separate from the rest, and kept in chains so I had no hope of bending. I was placed in a metal room by myself, but at least they took off the chains when I was in the room. 

After a few hours, the door to my cell opened. It was a regular foot soldier and he spoke nervously. Aww, it's a newbie. 

"D-don't try anything stupid. The captain is allowing you yard time, but you have to wear the chains and you can't bend," he said. I sighed and let him handcuff my wrists. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me out of the room. Wait, is he...blushing? 

He guided me to the yard and I saw the other prisoners there. Most were poorer earthbenders but there were some people there that were high ranking; I could tell by the way they carried themselves.

I walked away from the soldier and walked the perimeter of the yard. I had been keeping a mental map of all the places I had been within the prison, and I knew I was by the sea when I heard waves over the voices of the soldiers. 

"You must be the waterbender they captured," a voice said to me. I turned and noticed a girl my age walking over to me. She had pale green eyes and black hair, and a little birthmark on her cheek. I tilted my head to the side.

"Who said I was?" I asked, being cautious. She chuckled. 

"The chains gave you away. The soldiers have been bragging about a valuable prisoner for a while now. Never thought they'd let you out of solitary though," she said with a laugh. I let my guard down a little, her smile disarming me. "My name's Gila."

"Y/n. I'd shake hands, but you know," I joked and she nodded. We went across the yard and sat against the wall. "So, you ever think about busting out of here?" I asked, my caged tiger syndrome finally kicking in. She gasped and shook her head. 

"Of course not. We'd be burned to a crisp before we got a foot outside the gates," she said quickly. I shook my head. 

"I honestly don't think so. The soldiers guarding this place, a good number of them aren't fire benders," I told her. Many of them were the same ones that had to have reinforcements to capture me. The majority of the firebenders came with the reinforcements, which means they left with them too. Gila shrugged. 

"Ok well even so, even the non bending soldiers have weapons. Most of the prisoners are just powerless earthbenders," she reasoned and once again I shook my head. 

"I overheard the guards talking about a supply shipment coming today. Metal for weapons, food stuffs, and coal for their fires," I said, trailing off so she could catch on. 

"If we could get a hand on that coal, all the earthbenders would have a weapon to use!" I nodded, glad that she got the point. "Ok but wait. There's no way that we could get to that shipment," she said.

I looked around the yard and noticed the newbie guard that was in charge of me. His eyes met mine and his cheeks turned slight red before he looked away quickly. I smirked to myself. 

"I'll handle getting the weapons. You rally as many people as you can, and tell them to be ready. We bust out of here tonight," I told her. 

"Alright! Yard time is over!" A guard yelled. I turned and nodded at Gila, solidifying our plan. 

It's jailbreak time... 

Later that night...

The guard was instructed to take me to the captain after yard hours. The captain interrogated me for hours, hoping to find out things about my general father. He couldn't get anything out of me because I didn't know anything. Before he captured me, I didn't even know that my father was still alive. 

Finally the boy guard brought me back to my cell. Time to put my plan into action. Once he put me in the cell, I turned around and smiled sweetly. 

"Hey~ I was wondering if you could start a fire for me in the cell. It's getting really cold, and I just want to be warm for the few days I have left here," I said softly. He looked at me skeptically, but when his eyes met my pleading ones, he blushed. 

"I-I don't think I can do that," he said, looking around to make sure no one was listening. 

"Why not? I'm a waterbender, a fire would only make me weaker. It wouldn't help me much," I reasoned and he seemed to squirm before he sighed. 

"Fine, stay put," he said and he left me alone with my handcuffs still on. I waited patiently and practiced my breathing. Once he came back and set up the fire in my room, I kissed him on the cheek just to mess with him. Well actually it was so I could steal his keys. He rushed out even quicker, and though he stood outside my cell, he didn't look back at me once. 

I waited for a while, looking out my window at the moon. It's full. How wonderful for me. I inhaled and exhaled before producing a flame from my fingertips. I used it to burn through the chains, freeing my hands.

I went over to the fire and looked to the puddle forming in the corner of my room. There's been a leak in my ceiling since I got here, but I didn't complain therefore they weren't aware. I bent the water onto the fire, extinguishing it and put the coal pieces into my bag. They never took it, just emptied it of water. 

I stood at the back of my room and drew my arm back and took aim. I threw a piece of coal threw the opening in the door and hit my guard in the back of the neck, knocking him out.

I unlocked the door and stepped over the guard. 

"Sorry kid, I know you were just doing your job," I mumbled. I ran down the hallway and stopped when I felt the moonlight shine down on me from a window. I smiled to myself. 

I am the queen of jailbreaks...

To be continued...


Thanks for reading 💙💙

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