Chapter 1 - Crushed by Crush

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Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs

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Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.

- William Shakespeare


"Liaaaaaaa" my best friend Mia yelled, making me close my ears."Do you know Mr.Hudson?"

"Yeah, what about him?"I say, savoring the taste of gummy bears.

"His new movie is a horror one and we are going tomorrow first thing in the morning to theaters and everyone's coming and..." Dragging the last word, she stops

"Andddd? You know I don't like watching movi" she cuts me in between and says "And Draco, I invited him too, this is your chance love"

Even just hearing his name makes me blush like a tomato, makes me want to fall back in his arms just like I did last winter by MISTAKE

"Stop fantasizing about him and get a good night's sleep, I will pick you up at eight" saying a quick ok to Mia, I quickly run to my mother, letting her know of my plans.

Sending a quick text in the group, I sleep but sleep seems so far away but the thought of meeting my crush was messing with my emotions. Turning and twirling I sleep at last......


Holding his hands, I walk by the beach with a cold breeze touching our smooth skins. He confessed to me today and I couldn't be more happy than to enjoy this moment. I turned towards him, he was tall, had hazel eyes, smooth tanned skin and beautiful lips, he wasn't exactly skinny and wasn't exactly having six-packs, he was just perfect.

Moving his straight shiny hair from his forehead, I take a step toward to kiss him and his face suddenly blurrs, making me scared.

I take a step backwards and soon everything seems perfect with me holding his hands and posing for a wedding photo with the family.

I smile realizing that this is my happy ending until a bucket full of cold chilly water is thrown on my face. I slowly open my eyes, looking over at my best friends "Wake up already lazy cat"

Instead of yelling at them, I turn around and show them my hand indicating 'Give me five more minutes'

"You won't be getting anymore time" snatching my blanket and pillow they warn me then Mia slowly whispers "Draco is downstairs" with a wink.

I didn't waste any time as soon as I heard his name and got ready in five minutes, perks of taking a hot bath last night. The smile seems evident and my makeup is upto the mark just for the occasion.

Soon we were deciding who would go in whose car when Terry says "I don't think we will need to separate, look over there"

Everyone turns towards her and yells "A Limo?"

Terry soon clears our suspicion and says "My boyfriend is lending us his limo for the day, it's been so long after highschool that we are hanging out and he will be joining later"

Her boyfriend Aaron was a self-made entrepreneur, having his connections in the Film Industry, being a Young Fashion Designer.

Everyone's jaw hits the ground and soon they take their seats while I make my way to sit near Draco, Mia pulls out her leg making me fall right over him and my hands land straight on his chest and his hand comes over my waist, making me forget the environment.

"Are you ok?" His voice is rich and elegant making me want to swoon when he clears his throat

"Yeah, sorry" I sat beside him and that's when I noticed that there are speakers, cupcakes and drinks for everyone in the limo. I also noticed how everyone dressed, it was like everyone was attending a rich man's ball. Ofcourse, it's a movie premiere, who wouldn't dress up like lords and ladies.

All my friends from middle school and high school were present. Going to all girls high school was a plus point when afterall I had all guy friends from middle school. They met on my birthday and everyone clicked. Clay, Sarah, Mia, Terry, Sana, David, Grey- my best friends, the friends that on one phone call from me would leave everything they are doing and pick up the call.

Clay and Sarah were the only couple in the group, Terry is dating a rich guy from her college - her childhood sweetheart - Aaron, Mia and Sana were hopeless singles and we're waiting for their weddings before dating and David is married to Gray. When they both came out as a couple, it wasn't a surprise but a party. We always knew something was going on but stayed quiet to let them come out on their own. It was one of the best things that happened. Draco is a neighbor friend of Clay and that's how we met at Clay's house. He joined us at various parties, events and games. He wasn't exactly a part of the group but was invited every now and then to join and this was one of the occasions.

Soon we were about to reach the theater when Terry informed us that we got VIP tickets, perks of knowing someone from the industry. As it's the first show, the actors would be seeing this movie here for the first time. She gave the remaining instructions what we should and what we should not as it may affect her boyfriend's reputation.

It was 11'o o'clock when we reached the movies. Everyone went one by one but my anxiety kicked in when I watched the fans and the number of people from media. So, I asked the driver to drop me off the backside after taking the VIP ticket from Terry.

The place was crowded and I wouldn't be shocked or surprised if someone attacked Mr.Hudson, for his age, he looks a lot younger and hot. No wonder that every female in the world is crazy about him.

I find myself being seated far from Draco beside Mr.Hudson. Feeling dejected that I couldn't sit beside Draco and feeling happy that I sat near my favorite actor made me feel all emotions at once.

When the movies ended, the theater was empty. Just like in all the horror movies, people disappear in half of the movie.The movie had a lot of jumps and scares. I was alone in the theater and when the lights came I just dragged myself to my friends unwillingly, the couches were smooth enough to make me sleep.

Everyone was waiting for me when I reached them and Draco asked giving me my purse back"Ah, you are here, how was the movie?"

"It was amazing, nothing that could fade me" with a genuine smile I replied to him taking my purse which I gave to him so that I wouldn't have to carry.

He was eager for everyone to move onto the next place, the diner, a family restaurant.While everyone was ordering Sarah says she has to say something and so does Draco.

Taking something out from her purse she puts it on the table for everyone. It's an ultrasound picture of a baby "I'm pregnant, two months" with a smiling face. Congratulating her, I find myself looking at Draco and imagining my future with him.

Taking this as my chance to confess Draco my feelings, I start "Draco, I want to say something" when I get cut by a beautiful girl "Hello love" she comes over and pecks Draco on the lips. He smiles "Guys, this is my fiance, Erica" and that's how my world collapsed.

No one other than Mia knows about my deep crush on him. Instead of sulking, I put on a brave face and congratulated him. Mia looks over at me and silent tears run down my face.

Turning around, I bump into someone, their food falls all over me and my necklace gets stuck in the button-up shirt. Instead of slowly separating them, I abruptly push my necklace making the button and necklace break. With teary eyes I bend down and take my necklace and run away to home, only to get another surprise.


Hola guys, I'm trying something new, so please forgive me if I'm wrong somewhere. Thank you❤️

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