Chapter 6 - The Call

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Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser.

 – Drake


The Moon looks especially beautiful, the glistening and radiant light trying to escape the black dark clouds while the moon plays tag with beautiful twinkling stars.

Books scattered, clothes thrown everywhere, the clock reads three fifteen, plants taking over the balcony.A girl seemingly trying to cover herself with something that's a blanket and can't exactly figure out where the blanket went in the volcano of clothes.

While she looks around for a blanket to cover herself in the small room, a hand slowly creeps out on her shoulder. It takes her time to process that a hand is on her shoulder.

But when she turns around, she yells seeing the blanket flying.

Lowering down the blanket he says "Are you finding this?"

"What the Chocolate Muffin In The Cup?"putting her hand on her chest, she calms herself down "You were dead"

"Of Course Adams, now get outta here"

"So much for saving an ass from dying from eating spicy food" she huffs and puffs, hits the door to the room hard and leaves the house "Guys, GET GOING! His friend would be arriving soon"

"What's going on Lia?" Asks David "Is he alright?"

"Yup, now let's go"

All of her friends soon jump into the car while the caretaker of the house bids them a sweet goodbye. "Is that you, who helped my friend?" Asks someone

"Yes, no, ask him" again, shutting her car door hard. They leave.

While the whole scenario felt funny, Saad just looked at them once and moved towards the caretaker asking him where Luke was. When he entered the room, he just complained that the beach house is dirty and that Luke has to clean this all up. And like being the sarcastic one, gave Luke a broom, to groom the room.

By the time, everything was sorted, the sun was rising, the sweat was evident and Luke was asleep. Going straight to the kitchen, he makes Luke's favourite Ramen. There wasn't anything else as the market needs to open. What Saad forgot to tell is that there was a normal Ramen at the back of the spicy Ramens which Luke didn't bother to look.

Laughing at the reaction of Luke when Saad said the same to him was hilarious. Saad then asked him about the girl he saw when he came in, to which Luke didn't answer and just ignored him.


"Luke, what happened to you? And Irim, get down from the table, will you? You will fall"

"Your Luke got hurt" and faked cried Luke to which Irim giggled.

"I have a present for you, get over here! We will have a party" Irim said in her small sweat voice

"We will, now get going Baby" patting her on head, Saad made Irim leave the room. "I won't be coming anymore, the season is getting bad and all flights are cancelled"

"You are telling me this two days before the graduation! Bro! You have got to be kidding me!" Not letting him reply back, Luke cuts the call.

Taking out the photo from photo frame, he send the picture to Lia and messages her

"Remember the day we met, this time maybe you"

"Are you sure? You won't regret it?"

"It's better to have one person even though…"

"Even though?"

"Wear blue to the event, you look ugly"

Giving a turn to the conversation without revealing his hopeless side.

"Sure, whatever to embarrass Mr.Hudson"

"Why? Would you like to be my wife?"

"Being your wife would be an embarrassment? Being with you itself is 😂😂"

"Heheheheh, get lost"

(Reacted angry)


"Aww, Love you too"

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