Poem: "New Year"✨

12 1 4

Last day of 2021
It's been a long run

I was weary, but your strength pulled me through
Thank you.

Looking forward to new beginnings
and Lord please forgive all of my sinning

Allow the new year to go well
Give me positive stories to tell

I learned a lot about myself this year
I wore a lot of my emotions bare

Mentally I want to be strong
and learn to not carry negativity along

I thank you for your blessings
I hope I grew with every testing

My heart is sill healing from pain
Let's not let it remain

Moving on, moving forward
there's still goals I need to work towards

Please keep me and my loved ones safe
and get me ready for my graduation date
I pray for a good year filled with good days
and finally I'm able to say:

Goodbye 2021, and Happy New Years🎉🍾

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