Poem: "Delivered"📲

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(Ghazal Style Poem)

I wanted to get to know you for who you are...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

Terrified of rejection, I approached you anyway...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

I noticed your beautiful smile that day...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

Accomplished I felt, once I had your number...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

I couldn't wait to talk to you, I yearned...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

On my end, "Hey, it's Tasia from Spanish"...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

Never heard from you again, I was let down...but
my message to you was delivered but not read

I think that's why I still have hope...because
my message to you was delivered but just not read

Inspiration?: well....I got ghosted–at least I think I did. Long story short, I grew some balls one day and asked this boy in my Spanish class for his number. Mind you, this was my first time ever even attempting to Holla at someone, but I really wanted him at the time. He gave his number, I texted it, and nothing else happened. Since he seemed really cool and even flattered that I asked him, it always made me question if him not getting back to me was even intentional. Surely if he did intend to ghost me, it's his lost🤷🏽‍♀️ shit would've been bomb💯. But it's the fact that I don't know his true intention due to him showing genuine interest, even asking me for my other social media handles, that hurts me. I've been thinking about him randomly nowadays and even thought about trying again to get that confirmation. I don't know.

Have you ever been ghosted?

And do you think reaching out again for confirmation is good?🤔 Or would you leave it alone💨

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