Poem: "Void"🪨

19 1 6

Imagine a hole in the ground, 🕳️
Cracks of earth
In need of relief from a drought
Imagine someone with a bucket
Determined to fill this hole with water
Pour after pour
Trips to the nearby river constantly

the water always seeps out

Theres a hole within the hole it seems
A change. A new issue
This hole in the ground is "My void"

the water in the bucket is "you"

No matter how much I keeping trying to  fill "my void" with "you",....
It never stays anymore
Due to that little hole inside the whole

I've named it "Our issues", along with everything else
And because of "Our issues", "you" can't fill "my void" like you used to
because of this new issue

So why do I keep trying?
I'm so tired of you dissipating after a few days
and all I'm left with is the cracked pieces
Missing the days when you filled that void inside of me

Inspiration: Felt like writing something deep and I love the analogy I used. I couldn't have explained the feeling of losing a connection better. To explain personally, I've been off and on with someone I care about, and when we're separated it creates bigger voids. When we get back on good terms, that void only goes away temporarily but the next week we won't be on talking terms🙃 so it reopens consistently.

Thoughts 🤔

*I swear going through toxic relationship/friendship phases teaches you so much about yourself, the other person and the bond yall have.

PersonallyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora