Chapter one

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Chapter 1 Kayla

I don't remember much, from when I was a kid. I don't think anyone remembers being born, or being a baby, or being in your mother's womb. But I can picture it. I can picture my body being made. I can think of all the particles coming together and forming with the genes from my parents. I can remember hearing my mother when she realized how excited she was when she was going to have another baby. I could feel the excitement coming from her body. I can remember her telling my dad, and my brothers, and sisters. I could feel their emotions. Now thinking back to when I was being made it gives me tingles. The first month my heart was forming, and then my stomach, and lungs, then the rest of my organs. When my arms formed I could start touching my mom's stomach. And then my leg formed. It was strong, I could kick around, but when I went to kick the other side, it was so short. I thought eventually that it would grow with my other leg. But, it never did. Then I tried to move it and it just was so weak I could do nothing. I remember feeling so worried. How was I worried? I was not even alive yet. But I felt it and I remember it. I feel like God wanted me to remember feeling like this because I'm supposed to tell people. But I haven't told anyone this yet. I remember more when I was a baby, I remember my sisters playing with me like I'm a doll, and we would play at a little rock. Since I was the last child my mother felt safe with my siblings taking care of me. My brothers would take me and put me on their shoulders and I would go with them to some jobs when I was a little older, but they all treated me like I was an antique teacup. They still treat me this way. I think it is weird that I have all these memories from my childhood. Out of all my faults, I can remember everything so easily.

"RUN KAYLA! RUN!" someone screamed. My daydream stopped and I realized what was happening again.

"Wack!" another person hit the ball.

Time to run again. I started to feel dizzy, Oh no, I think I see my sister Hannah! She is going to tell me to stop and then tell my mom. If I look normal like if I run then I will not be noticeable. Run Kayla, run, I ran, As fast as I could. But I didn't see this rock. I stepped on it and I came falling down. With a loud scream. I knew my sister saw me, she was running towards me. I laid there, my leg throbbing. But I was strong. All I wanted was to be normal. Why God? Why?

"Kayla, are you okay, What on earth are you doing,"asked Hannah, "Mom is going to be so mad and Kayla, your leg is bleeding."

I am sick of her treating me like a baby. I looked around for a second and saw that they had stopped the game. I saw that Kamri had the ball right by Home base. I was about halfway to second base. I can make it, I looked directly at my sister Hannah's eyes.

"I want to be normal," I cried. I used all my strength to pull myself up. And I ran.

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