☽ Teenagers ☾

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Giving up is different from letting go

Bruno; he/him
Y/n; he/him implied but not used (i think)

Warnings: failed relationship, immaturity, poorly edited.
POV: Second.
Note: this was originally written in first person and I decided to change it to second person after I finished it. I apologize if I forgot to change I/my/mine/myself pronouns to you/your/yours/yourself.


   You jumped, fight or flight kicking in as you spun around. Your fist collided with the person's jaw and your eyes widened you saw who it was. "Lo siento! Lo siento!" You went down to pick up the slightly taller teen, taking his hand and bringing him up to his feet. "I promise I didn't mean to hit you! I am so sorry!"

   "No! No, it's okay," he laughed a little, rubbing his jaw. Tears pricked his eyes a little and you felt guilt rush through your veins. "I should've expected it."

   "I'm so sorry, Bruno!" You looked up into his dark olive eyes, holding his hand in both of yours.

   "No really, it's okay, mi amigo." He reached into his pocket. "I just wanted to give you this." It was a green envelope. "Open this when you get home." He gave you a smile before walking off, waving goodbye.

   You seemed a little confused, but didn't question. The moment you made it back to your house, you snuck up to your room and jumped on your bed. You ripped the envelope open and read the letter's contents.

East forest, 1:00pm tomorrow.

   You went over the short letter again, smiling at his printing. It was neat, cursive and fancy. You kept the letter in your nightstand drawer, getting comfortable in bed. He could've told you in person, but you didn't mind.


   "Bruno?" You called out, walking along the forest. "You weren't so specific in your letter!" You hoped he heard you, not wanting to get lost. "The forest is pretty big! East is very vague!" You moved a few branches and made it through a bush. Then you saw him.

   Bruno Madrigal.

   He stood in the middle of a picnic setup, a bouquet of roses in his hands. He hid his face behind the flowers in a bashful manner, you could barely see his eyes. "Y/n L/n." He stated firmly, clearing his throat after speaking again. He lowered the flowers a little and walked towards you. "Can I.. have the honour of being your....boyfriend?"

   You were never open with your sexuality. No one ever labelled themselves as gay. Same-sex relationships were the devil's work, some would say. You studied his face for a moment, trying to look for any signs of this being a possible joke. Your delayed answer seemed to make him overthink, his expression saddening.

   "Yes." You smiled as you held the bouquet in one hand, the other one being placed on his shoulder. "Yes, Bruno, yes!" You cheered, carefully dropping the flowers and pulling him into a hug. "How did you know?"

   "Know what?"

   "That I was... interested in guys."

   Bruno shrugged as he hugged back. When he pulled away he brought you to the picnic blanket that he had set up. "I... used my gift and found out."

   "Cheater!" You shouted jokingly as you hit his shoulder. "What does the future have for us?"

   "Oh, I didn't look too far into it. I want to experience this myself without having to worry about anything." He placed his hand on top of yours, scooting closer to you.

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