☽ Left Behind ☾

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I wish I was dead

Bruno; he/him - about 40 years old.
Y/n; she/her

Warnings: broken family, swearing, tell me if i missed anything.
POV: Second.

Bruno didn't hate anyone, but as far he knows, his life wasn't the greatest. He didn't want to be selfish, yet at the same time, he couldn't handle all of this stress and discrimination.

You were only a kid, about two years old when your mother left. Of course, Bruno saw this coming, he had a vision. He mentally scolded himself for holding on and trying to change the outcome of his future.

He refused to believe that his visions were the truth. He wanted to believe that things can be prevented and that everyone has free will. For a moment he believed that decisions you make determine your future and that it isn't set in stone.

Something like love isn't a choice.

Bruno was grateful that his family helped him raise his daughter. No matter what he did, his sisters always had his back. He wasn't good at this kind of stuff, he never thought he'd be in this situation.

"Papa," you tugged on his ruana, "can we go to the market?" You didn't know why Bruno didn't like going outside. To you it was a little weird and every time you asked, he dismissed the conversation.

"The market?" He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled a little at the request. "Why not go with Tía Pepa or your cousin Dolores?"

"I want to go with you," you played with the hem of your shirt, eyes dropping a little. "We don't go outside anymore." You didn't mind being isolated in his room. At the age of five, you could've stayed in the nursery with Mirabel instead of sharing a room with your father. But it didn't feel right without him.

Bruno looked down at you, masking his sympathetic expression the best he could. He wished he could do better, he wished that he could be a better father to you, he did the best he could; and yet he felt as though it wasn't enough.

He recalled the day his wife left. How Alma told him that it would've worked out if he could get himself together and control his gift.

No matter how much he tried, Bruno couldn't control the visions he saw. He wished that he could see better things, he convinced himself he changed his fate when he had you: his beautiful baby daughter.

But it was the same as all of his visions.

The day came when she left. The divorce took four painfully long days. When she stepped out of his life, he refused to talk to anyone.

He locked himself in his room and left you with his sisters.

You didn't understand. You never understood what happened, you thought that one day you'd see your mother again, but that day never came.

Bruno recalled pushing you away, regretting every second of it. Every time he yelled at you, every time he threatened to hit you, every time he glared at you... he regretted it all. He thought that maybe one day you'd fear him as everyone else did.

But no.

   He was the only parent you had, the only father you'll ever have. Maybe you didn't understand, maybe you didn't know why he refused to go outside, though that didn't change the fact that you still loved him with all of your heart.

"Sure, let's go." Bruno gave you a small, half-hearted smile as he held his hand out for you to take. Your eyes lit up almost instantly as you took it, walking towards the door and stepping out.

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