☼ I Like You ☼

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Camilo does anything but confess his feelings because he wants you to make the first move.

Camilo; he/him
Y/n; no pronouns used.

Warnings: none.
POV: Second.

"You've been doing a lot recently. Is something up?" You looked over at the boy who laid beside you on the field of flowers. Your hands were behind your head as you laid comfortably on the green grass.

   "What do you mean?" Camilo returned the eye contact, blinking a couple of times before he looked back at the clouds. "I don't think I'm doing too much. What makes you say that?"

   You shrugged, "I don't know it's just that..." you paused, trying to think. "...you've been taking me out a lot. Yesterday you bought me flowers and got us matching bracelets." You tugged on your sleeve to reveal the bracelet on your wrist.

   "Well-" he sighed, groaning a little as he covered his face with both his hands. "I don't know. I just need to get out of the house sometimes since my family can be chaotic. You know how chaotic they can be, right? Because like- you- you've been to over sometimes and- yeah."

"That doesn't explain the flowers and bracelet," it amused you how Camilo stumbled on his words. You carefully grabbed his wrists and moved them to the side so you could see his face. "Why so flustered, mi amigo?"

   "Nothing!" He sat up, all of a sudden shape-shifting into you. He realized what happened and transformed back into himself. All you did was laugh, knowing his gift could sometimes be triggered compulsively by a sudden strong emotion such as distress or pain. But you didn't think that it could happen from being this flustered.

   You sat up as well, crossing your legs and looking at the boy with a stupid grin. He turned to you, face darkened in a blush. "What?"

   "I didn't say anything!" You let out a laughter as he completely turned his head away from you. "What do you want to say?"

   Camilo muttered something under his breath, but you couldn't quite hear it. "Nothing," was the only word you picked up.

   "Oh, I know something's up." You chimed, placing your hands behind you on the grass and leaning back.

   "If you know something's up, then you say something." Camilo spared you a glance for no more than a second. "What's up?" He to know if you've picked up on his obvious hints. He was hoping you'd say something about his behaviour or what's been going on. He wanted you to call him out so he wouldn't have to confess anything.

"I don't know, Camilo." You took his chin in between your index finger and thumb, turning his head to face you as you stared directly into his eyes, ever so slowly inching closer. "You tell me."

Your faces were inches apart. You could feel his breath on your skin and how it quickened all of a sudden. Oh boy, was he a mess. All while you had this cocky smirk on your face.

Camilo opened his mouth to speak, yet no words came out. His eyes were going everywhere, your nose, your lips, the small dots that scattered across your face, then back to your eyes. He let out a small squeak, shape-shifting into you, then his sister, then his cousin Mirabel before finally transforming back into himself.

He couldn't even think straight. His face was burning up, his vocal cords seemed like they didn't want to work in his favour, his brain completely short-circuited; everything was a mess.

"I'm waiting, Camilo." You had all the time in the world. Waiting for his response.

"I like you." Those words flew out of his mouth so quickly they were barely audible. But you knew what he said. You knew exactly what he said.

"What was that? You spoke too fast, amigo. Slow down." You knew what he said, yet you were torturing this poor boy. "Camilo."

"I like you!" He scooted back a little, hiding part of his face with his arm. Silence lingered for a moment. Then you gently put his arm down so you could see his face. "I like you, okay? Like... l-like a crush like... yeah..."

"I know."

Camilo looked at you with a frustrated expression, trying to find his words once again. "Then why didn't you say anything? I-If you knew then you could've just said something right?" Then his mind immediately went to the worst. Maybe you didn't say anything because you didn't like him back? He didn't want to think that.

"Because I wanted to see how long it'd take." You simply said, "plus, it was entertaining."

"That's cruel!" He playfully smacked your shoulder, looking down and scratching his head as he tried to keep his composure. "I hate you for that..."

"No, you don't." You scooted closer to him, admiring his frustrated expression. You sighed, reaching over and tipping his head up with your finger. "I'm sorry." You sincerely apologized, letting out a soft breath as you took his hand. "Forgive me?"

"Yes." He was quick to forgive you. He couldn't stay mad at anyone for long, especially you.

"I like you too, Camilo."

"Good. Because if you didn't after all of that, I wouldn't have been able to mentally recover." He was practically hyperventilating, squeezing your hand tightly.

"Ew! It's sweaty!" You pulled your hand away from his, wiping your hands against your shirt.

"Hey! It's not that bad. It's your fault, Y/n! All your fault. I'm sorry I couldn't control the fact you were so up close and personal while torturing me to admit things I didn't want to admit!"

"Lo siento, mi amor. Pero quería divertirme un poco." You gave a half-hearted apology, smirking once more at the face he made the moment you called him 'mi amor.'

"That's enough!"

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