Part 6: S2's Changed, replaced, truly/mostly unaffected, and added/new episodes

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Episode 6a, "Sister Sledgehammer," is changed, in name and in parts of the story, to "Sibling Sledgehammer," as Metal Sonic helps the other XJ models, XJ's 1-8, in stopping Smytus by using the full extent of his powers, and becomes Metal Overlord once again, and runs out of power by the end of the fight. The Neo Metal Sonic, Metal Madness, and Metal Overlord states would be from Sonic Heroes, but the transformations would happen much, much quicker, for obvious reasons since they took literal minutes in Sonic Heroes It would happen in seconds, 2 for Neo Metal Sonic, 2 for Metal Madness, and 6 seconds of transformation to Metal Overlord. Metal Sonic also nearly runs out of power and uses a mix of Solar, Wind, Water, and Gas Electrical Power Stations/based power methods to start recharge. He also does help knock Jenny loose.

Episode 6b, "Pajama Party Prankapalooza," doesn't change except for Metal Sonic giving an Idea to Jenny at the end, as well as recharging for most of the episode until the end after Sibling Sledgehammer.

This leads to Episode 6c, "Prank Warfare Warriors", in which Metal Sonic and Jenny prank the Crust Cousins a whole bunch of times for every bad thing they've done, it concludes with Jenny accidentally calling Metal Sonic her brother for the first time, and Metal Sonic being unexplainably Flustered.

Episode 7a, "Dancing with My shell" Only includes Metal Sonic in a few scenes, even the dance, as he's, happily, chaperoning with Jenny, and also helps in the Battle.

Episode 7b, "Around the World in 80 Pieces." Is changed very much. Metal Sonic helps the boy's travel around the world, and breaks into the arcade to retrieve the bolt, saying he finds their lack of faith disturbing using his tape recorder, the line being taken straight out of Star Wars, right down to it being Darth Vader's actual voice. During that scene where Metal Sonic would take the bolt, he'd also see a Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 arcade Cabinet and steal them, whilst also being a bit confused as to why that is the case, which is due to the fact that, just like in our world, Metal Sonic comes from a Video Game. He also aids them in putting Jenny back together and breaks the communicator more to stall for more time, as using a Metal Sonic Projector, with a Projection of him doing the Distraction dance from Henry Stickmin Collection. We'd also have a montage of Metal sonic helping the group find Jenny's pieces, and he also prevents them from hiding Jenny's pieces again, saying that while it was fun, he doesn't want someone he considers a sibling in pieces, once again bringing up the fact that the two are becoming more like siblings.

In Episode 8a, "Armegedroid" Metal Sonic doesn't change anything at first, but eventually he uses Armegedroid's voice and Nora Wakeman's conversation to attempt to reveal Armegedroid that he is suffering from a malfunction, thus making him artillery and meaning that he must therefore destroy himself, which he ignores, in this instance, before exploding due to the proton bomb. Before the final scenes, Metal informs Jenny that her mother didn't know Armegedroid would cause such chaos, and because of everything that's happened, he will help her forgive.

In Episode 8b, "Killgore," Metal Sonic isn't even phased by Killgore, saying that he is not even remotely like a cluster robot. However, he does also get driven mad by Killgore, and pretends to be captured with Jenny to make her feel a bit better.

Episode 9a, "A pain in my Sidekick," is unaffected, and so too is Episode 9b, "Crash pad Crash," and Episode 10a, "Designing Women" as Metal Sonic is simply charging up everything and undergoing recalibrations and reboot sequences during these episodes after the chaos of the other episodes.

Episode 10b, "Robot Riot" is changed, as Metal Sonic enters as Jenny's Tag Team member, and ultimate wingman under the Alias, "Over-Drive." He also dawns a similar style to Mecha Sonic and Silver Sonic, 2 of his past variants, whilst he is Over-Drive, which serves as potential foreshadowing to their return in Escape from Cluster Prime. He also dons the Iconic Visor of Robo-Sonic, AKA game cube/game gear Mecha Sonic, serving as foreshadowing to HIS return as well in Escape from Cluster Prime.

Episode 11a, "Bradventure," is changed a good deal. Metal Sonic assists Brad in Saving Jenny and removes the inhibitor, he also takes Melody away from Dr. Locus for a few moments and uses the same projector from "A Robot for all seasons" to hypnotize her into going 2 miles away and sending a distress signal, forcing Doctor Locus to go get her, buying brad time to sneak in, but Melody reveals that she isn't hypnotized and just wants to help stop her father. Other than that, the episode is unchanged.

Episode 11b, "Mama drama" Changes a bit, as Metal Sonic winds up being a voice of reason, implying that Jenny might just be overthinking things a tiny bit, but also helps Marty stay with Nora Wakeman so they can have a happy ending too.

Episode 12a, "Toying with Jenny," changes a good deal, as Metal Sonic also has his own set of toys which he claims to be, "Highly inferior." His toys also have a short battery life, so they are unable to last long in battle, and the Action Jenny toys charge they're Metal Sonic Toy variants, as well as putting them above themselves once the Action Metal Sonic toys run out of power and/or if the Action Metal Sonic toys are in danger, which, once again, shows their ever-growing sibling relationship, even in Toy Form.

Episode 12b, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Troubles," Changes a tiny bit, as Metal Sonic says the Prank War him and Jenny had with Brit and Tiff was better than the one that they, Jenny and Misty, moments before the episode ends, showing that he has a small sense of humor beginning to form, he's also completely convinced that Misty still wants to be friends with Jenny, despite the falling out they have at the end of the episode, saying, through his tape recorder, "I'm sure we'll see- her- again soon." Referencing Sonic Forces' line that Sonic said to Tails after Classic Sonic disappeared and/or went back to his own TIME.

Metal Sonic in M.L.a.a.T.RUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum