Second Year ~ Y2

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The tryouts for the Quidditch team are tomorrow," I say.

"We know and we're all gonna try out!" George says.

After all of our classes, we head out onto the pitch and start practicing with each other. Eventually, we get kicked out since the Hufflepuff is hosting their tryouts. I spot Cedric holding his broom looking pretty nervous. I walk over to him and quickly wish him good luck. He smiles in thanks and I head back up to the castle.

I barely eat any dinner that night since I keep looking for Cedric to see if he made the team. Fred and George are also doing the same. The only difference is they are eating. I reach for my goblet to take a sip of water when I hear loud footsteps approaching me. I turn to see Cedric running towards Griffindor's table. 

"I made the team! I'm the new Seeker!" Cedric yells. I stand up and run to meet him. He hugs me and spins me around.

"I knew you could do it Ced," I say.

"They said I was the best player they've seen so far and gave me the position on the spot!" he yells excitedly.

"Wow Ced, it looks like we all might be facing each other in upcoming matches," Fred says.

"Did you guys make the team too?" He asks.

"No, tryouts are tomorrow," I say.

"Good luck, I bet you guys will all make the team," Cedric says.


The next day I woke up and eagerly began getting ready. I went to breakfast and ate a decent meal. Me and the boys headed down to the pitch to begin practicing before tryouts. Some other Gryffindors were there too. They were all older than us and I did get a little scared.

Tryouts started. I'm trying out for chaser while the twins are beaters. We begin tryouts. I score 6 goals against the keeper. I don't pay much attention to the twins.

I'm pretty proud of myself once tryouts end. The Captain explains that the new team will be posted in the Common room sometime tomorrow. We head back up to the castle to our common room. I and the twins barely talked the whole way up.

I woke up the next morning and got dressed. I ran down the stairs to find a group of people standing around the wall. I squeeze my way through and find a piece of paper with names. I look down and find my name.

Jordan Potter - Chaser

Fred Weasley - Beater

George Weasley - Beater

I stare at the paper in shock. We all made the team! I push through the crowd and run up the boy's dormitory.

"Guys we made the team! We all made the team!" I yell.

They sit up in bed with wide eyes and run out into the common room to check for themselves. We jump up and down screaming.

"We made it!"


We started having weekly practices which took up a lot of our time. And since Cedric also had practiced, we barely got to see him anymore. Most of the time was spent studying and practicing and we really only saw him in classes. He would join us for lunch though so that was fun. Fred and George somehow found time to play as many pranks as they could on Filtch and they are beginning to develop more prank items.

Our first Quidditch game was against Ravenclaw. I was a little nervous, but mostly excited. Cedric wished us good luck at breakfast right before we left. Cormac McLaggen came up and told me he would be cheering for me. Okay.

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