"Sleep on the floor. You have that quilt. It'll keep you warm"

"Fuck you, bitch. I know what you are doing. But know this, Lou is mine. You can try all you want but she'll not even give two cents to you. She only likes me. No matter what you do, she will not even look at you. She has standards and a bitch is not something she is looking for"

"Then it's a problem for you. She doesn't like bitches and you... Are the torchbearer of bitches"

"Fucking bitch...", Daphne charged to physically fight Debbie. "You fucking..."

"If I were you, I would think twice", Debbie said, blocking Daphne from hitting her while still not moving an inch from the bed. She was strong enough to hold back this Barbie doll anyway.

"You...", Daphne tried to release her arm from Debbie's firm grip. But wasn't happening.

"Listen Barbie, you might've enjoyed all the attention in this town so far but trust me, between the two of us, Lou will definitely choose me", Debbie said, though she wasn't sure of it. Lou had moved on. She just said that to shut Daphne.

"Lou likes me. Not you"

"Will see that", Debbie said forcefully pushed Daphne aside who fell face first on the edge of the mattress.

"You fucking... You know what, you sleep here. I am going to sleep with Lou"

And Daphne went to living room where Lou already was sleeping, on couch. Her dog on the carpet, near her feet.

Daphne didn't waste any more second and slept next to Lou on couch, almost on top of her. Lou felt it obviously and she opened her eyes groaning.

"Daphne? What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep there"

"You can't sleep here too. It's cold. And I don't think you can sleep on this couch"

"And I don't like sleeping next to a stranger", Daphne said.


"Your guest. That lawyer. I can't sleep next to her. I am uncomfortable"

Lou sighed. "You can't sleep with me here, Daphne. I myself am uncomfortable on this couch. You can't sleep. You'll regret in the morning if you did. Also, the room is warmer compared to this living room. So, you better sleep in the room", Lou spoke honestly.

"But I can't sleep there", Daphne whined. "That cold-hearted bitch is in there"

"Mind your words Daphne"

"I won't. I don't like her. I can't share my bed with her"

"Correction. It is Lou's bed. And yeah, you are right. I too cannot sleep next to you", Debbie's voice was heard. She was standing at the threshold of the bedroom door.

Lou looked at the two ladies confused. "Uh... You both need to adjust. We aren't in an ideal situation where I can provide you two with two separate bedrooms right now"

"She can take the bed. I'll sleep here", Daphne said, looking at Debbie in irritation. "She is, after all, the guest"

"You are really having unconventional clothing that won't help you fight off cold. So, you should sleep inside and I will sleep here"

"Uh... Ladies...", Lou started but she was interrupted by Daphne.

"You are not accustomed to this hilly weather. So, you should sleep in the bed. I will sleep with Lou here", Daphne said.

"I have had experience trekking and camping, Daphne. I can adjust to harsh weather. So, you should sleep in the bed"

"I've been living here for so long, I can tolerate. You are a city girl. You take the bed"

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