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Dee and Judah were sat in the tent he had arranged for their date and were laughing non stop. It had only been roughly 20 minutes since he asked her to be his girlfriend so they were both in very good moods.

"So who even helped you set this up?" She asked him, looking around her, admiring how cute it all looked.

"Whilst you were out getting your nails done, Nash, Hayes, Tez and I set it up" he told her.

"Wow, even Hayes helped you" she chuckled.

"Yeah the only reason I didn't think he would was because of Meala, but she just stayed in his bedroom without any complaining so it was alright I guess" he chuckled softly. Dee smiled and took a cookie from the snacks he had bought.

"Can we talk about when we're next seeing each other?" He asked her curiously. She nodded as she had shoved the whole cookie in her mouth so couldn't speak. He laughed at how puffy her face looked thanks to the cookie and carried on talking.

"I wanna spend New Years with you...and I think it would be cool if you'd meet my family as well. I could arrange a flight for you to come to LA?" He suggested to her, hoping she would be onboard with this idea too.

Dee nodded and smiled at him.

"I'd like that" she told him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ooo! BUT, it's Nash's birthday on the 28th so I need to be here for that, but then I'm free anytime after" she chuckled, making it clear to Judah she couldn't leave any earlier than that date.

"That's fine, I'll probably book a flight for you on the 30th or something" he told her. She nodded in agreement.

"That works" she smiled at him, resting her head on his shoulder, feeling happy and content within the moment.

Meanwhile, everyone else was inside watching TV, except for Elizabeth, Skylynn and Johnnie, awaiting on updates for how the couples date had gone.

"Do you think she said yes?" Tez questioned the group.

"Oh 100%" Taylor nodded, knowing this was what the girl wanted and how she couldn't say no to all the surprises he had arranged for her.

"Awww, isn't this just so exciting!" Nash claimed, putting on a feminine voice in a jokey way as he said so.

Taylor and Tez laughed at him whilst Hayes and Meala sat next to each other with blank faces.

"You know guys it's not hard to act happy for your friends" Taylor snapped at them, causing silence to fall from Nash and Tez.

"I'm not her friend" Meala snapped. Taylor raised her eyebrows.

"But at least have a little respect when you're just a guest in the house she lives in" Taylor warned her. Hayes still remained silent, not wanting to cross the wrong side of Taylor. Meala glared at her before looking up to Hayes.

"Are you going to let her talk to me like that?!" She screeched. Hayes locked eyes with the annoying brunette and shrugged.

"...she's kinda got a point, Meala..." he trailed off. The girl gasped in disbelief, being over dramatic as usual. Taylor rolled her eyes in reaction to this and gave Nash a 'I'm gonna lose it' sort of look.

The girl continued to have a go at Hayes for not backing her for a few minutes before Tez spoke up.

"Okay girl, I don't even live here but if you continue with your complaining I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" he warned the girl, shutting her up immediately. Nash reached over and fist bumped the guy before earning another glare from Meala.

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