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Everyone had just gotten home from ice skating and they were all in super energetic moods. Elizabeth agreed on ordering pizza for everyone as she couldn't be bothered to cook. Everyone was gathered around in the living room. Dee was sat beside Judah and Taylor was on her right. Opposite her, sat on the ground, was Hayes and Tez. Everyone else filled the room. Everyone was in their own conversations and Dee was currently speaking to Judah, they were taking the opportunity to get to know each other better.

"Why don't we play 21 questions to know each other better?" He suggested.

"Such an old game but sure" she laughed.

"I couldn't think of anything better, hey I don't see you coming up with any ideas!" He laughed with her.

"True, you first" she told him.

"How old are you?" He asked her.

"19, you?"

"Same" he beamed.

"What are your hobbies?" She asked him.

"I mean apart from acting...either playing baseball or the drums" he told her. Her eyes lit up slightly.

"Really?! That's so cool" she told him. He smiled and nodded.

"What about you?" He asked her.

"I mean I love singing and dancing, that's what I'm studying at university but I also love all things beauty so like doing makeup and shit like that" she explained to him, smiling whilst doing so. He smiled too. He could feel his heart racing more than usual, she had this effect on him and he'd only known her for a few hours.

"That's really cool" he told her. They continued asking each other questions for a while and completely forgot about everyone else around them. Hayes however, he wasn't speaking to anyone. Instead he was watching Dee and Judah talking and laughing with one another.

"Bro stop staring, jealousy is not a good look on you" Tez told him, noticing that he was staring at the pair for too long.

"Do you see this?! They've literally been talking to each other for hours. If I knew he was gonna come here and flirt with my ex then I wouldn't have fricken invited him" Hayes snapped.

"So you'd let him spend thanksgiving on his own?" Tez challenged. Hayes groaned.

"You know what I mean" he muttered.

"Look, so what if they're getting along. So what if they end up liking each other. You and Dee broke up, it's not your problem to worry about anymore" Tez advised his best friend.

"I guess..." Hayes mumbled, knowing Tez was right. He looked at the ground, feeling frustrated. He knew he still had feelings for Dee, but he knew the likelihood of him having another chance with the girl was very unlikely.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughs, pizza and movies until everyone decided to head to bed.

Judah and Dee were the last two to head up. Judah was staying in the guest bedroom at the end of the hall and Dee's room was the first on the left. They stopped outside of her bedroom to say goodnight.

"Well, I had a lot of fun tonight" she beamed up at him.

"Me too, thanks for being so welcoming" he smiled back at her.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she told him.

"Yeah, good night, Dee" He told her, stepping back slightly as she opened the door to her room.

"Goodnight Judah" she told him, stepping inside her room, smiling once again before closing the door behind her.

She leaned against the door, smiling to herself. What just happened? She didn't expect this. She hadn't felt this feeling for a long time. She felt so easily happy and that was because of one person she had just met. She knew how drastic this sounded and of course she wasn't going to jump into conclusions or anything, but she liked Judah a lot.

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