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Two days had passed, meaning there was only 6 more days until Judah was flying back to LA. Meala was still in the house, but Hayes had managed to keep her away from Dee as much as he could when he realised the two girls would never get a long.

Currently, Nash and Taylor were in the kitchen preparing Malakai's lunch for him when Judah walked in.

"Hey guys? Can I Uh, quickly talk to you both about something?" He asked them nervously, diverting his eye contact to the floor as he scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah what's up bro?" Nash asked as he turned to face him.

Judah looked back up at them and took a deep breathe.

"Before I go back to LA, I want to ask Dee to be my girlfriend..." he told them, smiling ever so slightly. Nash and Taylor's faces lit up immediately at what they heard.

"Oh my gosh yay! Finally!" Taylor told him excitedly, making him chuckle softly.

"Yeah bro it's about time" Nash chuckled, punching his shoulder playfully.

"So you're not mad at me?" Judah asked Nash awkwardly. Nash and Taylor furrowed their eyebrows in confusion at the boy.

"Why would he be mad at you?" Taylor laughed.

Judah shrugged.

"I don't know, you know, because you're Hayes' brother...I didn't know if you would have a problem with it..." he trailed off.

"But I also see Dee as my little sister, and all I've ever wanted for her is to be happy and ever since you've been here she's glowed differently, man. I wouldn't want her to be with anyone else bro" Nash told him, patting his shoulder reassuringly. Judah beamed from ear to ear and thanked the boy.

"So how can we help?" Taylor smirked, ready to start planning for the big moment.

On cue, Judah started to explain his plan to the pair and made sure he was clear where he would need their help. He wanted to make this moment as special as he possibly could for Dee and he didn't want it to just be a boring question he asks her.

"Are you guys able to help?" He asked them, his voice filled with hope.

"For sure" Taylor grinned excitedly, not wanting to wait to be able to get started. Judah beamed also, feeling relieved with what they had told him.

He thanked them before leaving the room and then jogging upstairs to Hayes' room.

He knocked on the door three times before entering to see Tez and Meala in there also.

"Hey man, what's up?" Hayes asked him.

"Hayes could I quickly talk to you? It shouldn't be too long" he asked, acknowledging the other two people in the room as he finished his sentence.

"Yeah sure, guys we'll be down after" Hayes told the pair. Tez stood up immediately and basically ran out of the room whilst Meala rolled her eyes before walking out. Judah closed the door and remained stood up.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Hayes asked, feeling slightly confused.

Judah sighed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm gonna ask Dee to be my girlfriend. I just wanted to come and let you know in advance instead of you finding out after it's happened and then I'd look like some kind of asshole" Judah explained, feeling slightly uneasy about what his reaction might be. Hayes stared at him for a moment.

"Okay" he shrugged, knowing there was no point in getting mad or upset about this. It was going to happen eventually and at least his friend had the decency to come and let him know first instead of after it happened.

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