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It was the next day and Dee had spent most of the day in bed resting, but she also didn't want to look like a slob for when Judah would appear for their movie night. She managed to get herself out of bed and have a quick shower before changing into a black crop top and black leggings. As she was getting dressed she noticed the bruising on her ribs. She looked in her full body mirror for a moment, staring at how dark the bruises had formed over night.

"Knock, knock" a familiar voice called as the door opened. Dee's head snapped in the direction of the door and there she saw Judah, stood in the door way with a tray of drinks and snacks in his hands.

He gave her a look before speaking.

"Shouldn't you be in bed resting?" He asked her.

"Huh? Oh yeah. But I had a quick shower and then got distracted by how badly my bruises have turned out..." she told him, turning to face the mirror again and staring at the bruises across her ribs. He looked at her sympathetically before placing the tray down on her bed and walking behind her.

"They gotta get worse before they get better" he told softly, glazing a finger over one of her ribs as he stared at the bruise intently. It didn't hurt her because of how gently he glazed across it.

They stared at each other for a moment before Dee spoke up.

"So what snacks did you get?" She smirked, jumping back into her bed and awaiting for him to give her a 'haul' on what he managed to get. 

"Okay! So I got us....some chocolate" he smirked, holding up the big bars of dairy milk, knowing they're her favourite.

"Love that" she commented, grinning from ear to ear.

"Some grapes, you know, gotta be kinda healthy too" he added.

"Sure" she agreed.

"I found these cool tubs of candy floss so I got us both one each" he chuckled softly, knowing they were silly but knowing full well that they will both eat it.

"Sick!" She called, grabbing a tub and opening it straight away to start eating.

He laughed at her before carrying on.

"I also got these biscuits and cookies for us as well as some crisps and then for drinks...I got us some bottles of water, a lucozade each and some coke" he showed her, smiling, feeling pleased with himself.

"Good job, Lewis, can't lie there" Dee nodded approvingly, taking a chocolate bar straight away to start eating. Judah grinned and got into the bed next to her before picking up the remote and turning her TV on.

"What film first?" He asked her, changing the channel to be Netflix so that they could choose a film.

"Anything horror" she beamed. He looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Do you like horror movies?" He questioned her.

"Love them" she chuckled softly.

"Same! Also most of the movies I've been in are horror/thriller films so I think that's why too..." he admitted, laughing softly as he said so.

"What films have you been in?" She questioned him curiously.

"The babysitter, the babysitter killer queen which came out in September, I see you, summer of 84, demolition..." he trailed off.

"Oh my god! I saw you in demolition! LOVE Jake Gyllenhaal" she told him enthusiastically.

"He's a great guy" he told her laughing at her enthusiasm.

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