"Thing things books aren't always true, right?" Cade chuckled, "Especially that one. Records of Immortals. Always believed that the world only ever never have two immortals. The Only and Rinne. I mean, cant there be more possibilities? The third immortal? Hm?"

"So you are saying..." Aerie said, "holy."

"Guess 'holy' is pretty right for that." Cade said, "Its true. I am one of them, just like The Only and Rinne. Them."

"And so that is the reason why you looked exactly the same, even after 11 years, you looked exactly the same?" Aerie said, "ThatThat is what you're hiding from me?"

"Correct." Cade said, "The Association. Simple as it seems, if funded by the people who know about immortals and are against them."

"The head, The Lady, was somehow responsible for all of the attacks and hunting against me. Us. But my information end there. Even after a lot of very detailed research, things still don't make sense. Apparently The Lady isn't the head of The Association, there must be people above her. But I have no idea who, or how much. And I have no idea where their money to fund for assassins, very professional ones, I must admit, came from."

"The Lady, she has a name, eh?" Aerie asked.

"Of course I know, but she doesn't prefer people calling her by her name directly." Cade said, "She volunteered to be a member of The Association at the funeral of The Only, devastated by the death of her partner, her love interest, and took her code name ever since. Sounds more like him, she mentioned."

"And yes. "Volunteered". That means that someone must have recruited her, but what I have don't make sense. At least it seems impossible with me." Cade said.

"You're an immortal, first off." Aerie concluded, "And you left back them because people, from The Associations, wanted you dead. But immortals. Form the Oxford Dictionary, it literally means 'People who don't die. Ever.' And how exactly did the thought of "killing immortals" register in their minds? Like— did they had a short circuit in their minds or something?"

"And The Only. He was supposed to be the first ever immortal and is a big, massive arse." Aerie said, "How could he die if he was said to be so 'unbeatable' as described in the book?" Aerie said, "Did he decide one day that 'oh my, my crimes!' And ended his life? That. That doesn't make any sense, right?"

"You so funny." Cade said, giggling at her joke, "You've learnt not to trust everything that books offers you, right? Critical thinking. The name of... this in text books? Right? Anyways. You know about it. And it's important."

"So either he wasn't like what written in the book, or someone came stronger than him popes up, all of a sudden, and took his life."

"Enough creativity." Cade said, "back to the topic. Immortals, what it really is, don't really function that way. Yes, they don't get common cold, long term, lifelong or terminal illness. And yes again, they won't die simply through getting old or being stabbed in the chest, beheaded, but that doesn't make them inevitable."

"They die when they are drained. When the last drop of their blood leaves their body, when it really really did, then its game over." Cade said, "The only way."

"So you're saying that if your head's disconnected from your body, you can still run and jump as usual? Like the no head chicken in Australia that survived for 10 whole months back then? That— gross beyond imagination, eh?" Aerie said, trying her best not to throw up in Cade's small office.

"Yeah." Cade said simply and laughed, "But practically our blood would be drained up within 15 minutes, so its still pretty dangerous."

"You know if theres one more second that I hear gross stuff coming out from your mouth, then you will have a bad time cleaning the floor for the rest of the day?" Aerie said, "Its very very gross, sirrrr."

"Sorry." Cade said. "I haven't told anyone yet."

"Eh?" Aerie said, "I'm first?"

"To be honest, I had been thinking of getting back in the past, especially in the last three years when things are getting better. But you know. There are people. Spy, to be specific, around you. They knew, Aerie. They knew that I would be finding you when I knew they got lost of me. And— and, you know, I can afford to— I have always been around."

"You have always been around?" Aerie laughed, out loud that echos bounced off the walls, "really. Seriously? That would be— the last. Last! Thing that I would like to hear. I expected you to be dead, Cade. I grew up, for my entire childhood I believed that every last one of my family member was dead. Even you, Cade. Even you."

"There are, reasons, Aerie." Cade said, "Look— I understand."

"Understand?" Aerie said, "what do you understand, ever? You know what's it like when you one of the only left at the school during spring break? Summer? Well, except for me, every else had somewhere to go. They would have relatives, even. And what about nightmares, Cade? You ever had those? Bet when you're small, bet your parents would be going 'baby baby, don't cry, don't cry, we are here."

"I have those too—

"Oh no you don't!" Aerie said, laughing even louder that Cade was sure there were tears at the corner of her eyes, "And I barely started. Barely."

"You have to understand. Everyone had difficulties, secrets that they don't want anyone to know." Cade replied slowly, "If I told you every single detail of every detail, you would be running away."

"Coward. Coward!" Aerie laughed, walking towards the door, wanting to leave, "and now I have enough of you, I am leaving! I don't want to see you again. If you really meant it, that you had always been here, then you should be finding a plan to sneak in, or break in, or whatsoever. But no. You watched. Watched me being tortured by my life!"

"You don't know everything," Cade said, "And I think that at least I deserve a chance to explain myself."

Before Aerie could say anything, she could feel a warm breeze running behind her when Cade grabbed her by her shoulder.

And the moment when she opened her eyes again, she was already in another place, another environment.

If you're bothered by the tragic grammar here, you can dm me for a grammar edited pdf.... I edited the story already_(:з」∠)_
Nine xx

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