totally not a filler chapter just meant to introduce Inasa - 9

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(Todo's pov)

I was torn, Bakugou and I were getting along fine before, despite being annoyed at the rain. Now he seems genuinely upset about something, I felt Midoriya tug on my sleeve, catching my attention. Suddenly my entire right side got colder, as he leaned in to whisper, so only I'd hear.

"I don't exactly know what happened with Bakugou, but I think he might be aware of me, my presence makes him uncomfortable so he hates me." he suggested. Well, that's not fair, it's not like Midoriya can always control his aura, but I guess Bakugou can't necessarily control his reaction to it either. What a mess...

I tried finding my way back to the group, shrinking in on myself as I had to push through the crowd, and finding myself lost. In the end Midoriya went off to go looking for the group or a way to the castle to go straight home. After a while I found myself on the outskirts of town, looking toward the forest surrounding town, since there's less people I can just walk along the tree line till I find the path. 

"You there!" A voice called out to me, he was taller than me, with short dark hair, and by short I Mean short, he quickly approached me. 

"You look lost, are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just... got overwhelmed, was going to look for my group but ended up deciding to just go home... I live outside town, so I'm walking along the outskirts until I find the path." I explained.

"That's fair I'm Inasa Yoarashi, maybe I could tell your group you headed home so they don't worry. or at least they'll check to make sure you got home before worrying-" he offered.

"Sure, just call me Todo" I'm not sure if my name can still be recognized but play it safe, "If you see a girl with black hair in a ponytail named Momo Yaoyorozu or a boy with spikey blond hair named Katsuki Bakugou, tell them I headed home." I explained. 

We parted ways, and I found my way to the path back to the castle.

"Midoriya?" I called, and suddenly felt a cold wave wash over me, signaling Midoriya's return, and we headed back home together. 

(Deku's Pov)

I found the group, they mostly met up at a bakery called 'Bon Bon's', only a few weren't there. Since I found them I just need to find my prince again, and I did, and found a fucking giant with a balding head bothering him. 

Shoucchan managed to get him off his back, and continued heading home, I followed behind until he found the path, and called for me. I ran over, walking beside him as we walked the rest of the way home, at least for a few hours I can have Shouto all to myself for a few hours.

Spectral Obsession (Yandere! Ghost Deku x Vampire Todo)Where stories live. Discover now