Useless Child - 7

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Okay, While I'm setting up every character you can ship todo with as a potential rival, who do you think Deku would see as a threat, who would ACTUALLY be a threat, what would you consider a satisfying thematic character deathTM

(Baku's Pov)

Half-n-Half went to sleep, as the sun was rising, and since the rain seemed to be letting up, I headed toward the town, I felt my stuff, Todoroki offered to let me stay there for the rest of my time here. It worked out because I don't like dealing with stupid people, I don't have to pay for a hotel room, and I don't think he's willing to actually mention it, not wanting to be pitied, but I think he appreciates having company that he can actually see.

We talked about his ghost roommate, so I can infer if he could get rid of the psycho he would, but he's gonna act casual so as to not invoke a reaction.

I arrived looking for the meeting point.

"Bakubro!" Shitty-hair called out, running up to me.

"Sero and Mina suggested you might've met Todo already." Pikachu mentioned.

"'Might've'? You didn't know he lived there?" I asked, they just shrugged.

"I mean we kinda assumed he'd live in the castle, but didn't know for sure, there could've been traumatic memories he was trying to avoid. We didn't want to ask, because if he just said he lived in that castle, we'd feel like dumbasses." Pikachu explained.

"You're already dumbasses." I told them.

"You know you love us, sparky!" Pinky insisted.

"No the fuck I don't!" I asserted.

"So what do you think about Todobroki? Does he have your 'approval'?" Shitty-hair asked.

"Half-n-Half's fine, you're gonna add him to our group anyway, you've never asked for my 'approval' before!" I told them.

"Well, he's kinda pretty, so I guess we were hoping you'd give him your seal of approval." Pikachu mentioned.

"How pretty? I'm kinda excited to meet him now." Pinky asked.

"I'll warn you, Momo said he wasn't attracted to her at all, so she said he's probably not straight." Shitty-hair told her. She whined in despair, but quickly cheered back up, after all, she hasn't met him yet, and now she already knows she shouldn't get too interested when she does meet him.

"He said he's coming out tonight, you'll meet him then." I told them.

"You Invited him to come with us?~" Pikachu made that stupid face.

"Because he's not annoying! Shut the fuck up!" I told them.

"Are you sure there's no ulterior motives involved?~"

"Hell no! He's... Attractive but that's not it!" I mentioned.

"Sure, Katsuki, Sure." Soy sauce grinned, I hate these people.

(Deku's Pov)

"Hey..." Shouto mumbled, his coffin was open, as he stared into space, knowing I'm in the room, even if he couldn't see me. He was tired, but seemed to be focused on something else.

"Bakugou said he caught a glimpse of you, am I allowed to see you?" he asked. I thought about it for a moment, I was hoping I could make the reveal a bit more... special? But I wouldn't want to give him the wrong idea, or make him jealous.

"Alright, if that's what you want." I finally spoke to him, catching his attention. I materialized in front of him, just praying I might be able to actually impress him somehow. I'm not exactly the most awe inspiring person, I'm kinda average, and I didn't have enough time to put up a front, so he's seeing me unfiltered, looking like I just died.

I was born into a family line of prodigies, so people had high expectations for me, thus as I grew up, they were met with disappointment. As I grew up it became exceedingly obvious I didn't have any inherent talents. My mom always said I didn't need to be perfect for her to love me, but I couldn't help but notice everyone else's judgement.

"There's no way! He's a Midoriya! He's just lazy, he's not actually trying!"

"Stop making excuses! You can't expect me to believe you're really that pathetic!"

Eventually things escalated, every time I started showing interest in a skill or hobby, they'd immediately zone in on it, and I would get punished for 'Fucking up on purpose'.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I ended it. I was confused when I was still here, until I discovered I was a Ghost, I immediately left my home, not wanting to deal with my family's reaction to my latest fuck up.

Shouto just looked at me, I really wish I had the time to put up a front, he's either disgusted or trying to let me down easily.

"Do ghosts feel the way they died, or does the pain fade like normal?" he asked.

"Uh... Not exactly... I mean I felt it as I was dying then it was gone... unless I'm corporeal, I don't really feel much, and even then there are different stages of being corporeal..." I mumbled out. This is odd, maybe we're more compatible than I initially thought!

Spectral Obsession (Yandere! Ghost Deku x Vampire Todo)Where stories live. Discover now