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"Let's begin" Johnny yelled looking around at the Eagle Fangs and Miyagi-Do's. It stayed silent for a moment before Demetri raised his hand 

"Uh, begin what, exactly?" he asked timidly as he stood next to Hawk, I was glad they were friends again, even though they hadn't wanted to admit it for months, they needed each other 

"Begin a new era," Daniel told us "many of us used to be enemies, but rivalries don't need to last forever. The All-Valley Tournament is just a few months away and this year the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is going to use every dirty trick in the book there's only one way we're going to be able to beat-"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves" Johnny interrupted, Miguel, chuckled a bit from beside me "We've gotta take things to the next level, gonna teach you and aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? we'll pre-strike"

"Ok we're getting ahead of ourselves" Daniel stepped forward, we could all tell he didn't love where Johnny was going with this "we are going to respond to what they do"

"Eagles do not respond" Johnny announced "they swoop down and take whatever they want, that's what we are going to do, sweep down and take back the valley"

"Take it back in a measured and organized approach" Daniel added 

"We bite first" I rolled my eyes and looked at Miguel and Sam, it would be tough for Johnny and Daniel to get along, I was surprised we were even doing this 

"Ok, let's just warm up with some simple exercises" Daniel instructed trying to keep himself calm 

"Alright line up" Johnny yelled so we all moved forward, I walked to stand next to Hawk who grinned

"Just breathe and follow me" Daniel started doing some weird arm movements that only the Miyagi-Dos knew how to do, I looked to Hawk confused and then at Johnny 

"Uh, fighting positions" he commanded "right leg back, front kick, ready, Hi-yah" I tried super hard not to laugh as Mitch kicked Nate right in the back 

"Oh sit dude, I'm sorry," Mitch said to Nate who was wheezing and groaning on the ground 

"I'd say this is going well" Hawk chuckled putting his arm on my shoulder "wouldn't you agree"

"Of course," I told him sarcastically. We continued doing more drills, Bert and Mitch were sparing and Daniel did not like it. 

"You guys are just swinging at each other" Daniel said in disbelief "don't you know any defense"

"More offense is the best defense," I told Daniel with a sigh, he gave me a very odd look as Bert kicked Mitch right into a huge boulder

"Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo?" Johnny scoffed. Next, Demetri and Sam were sparring, they kept going around each other in circles 

"What the hell are they doing?" I asked Hawk "at this rate no one is going to make the first move" 

"One of you do something" Johnny grumbled "what the hell is this" 

"That's not really how this works" Demetri snapped "one of us has to be provoked"

Johnny chucked his water bottle at Demetri "Provoked yet?" Next, we had to wash cars, I don't know why but we did. Daniel called it wax on wax off but Johnny told us to make his shitty car spotless and he didn't care how we did it. "Clean it good, I want it to look brand-spanking new, get all the cans out of there" 

Then we had to do some drills that looked dangerous to the Miyagi-dos but to former Cobra Kais it was just a regular day of training "lets go you maggots, move faster" Johnny yelled as we circled around bins that were on fire, kicked tires, hopped over broken glass and did it over and over again 

"We're gonna get sued here," Daniel told Johnny 

"Oh? sue me for what?" it did look very dangerous but it just taught us to do better I guess. Chris then barfed in Daniel's boat which made him very very mad. Then we went into a little hut thing where Hawk and Mitch started fighting, unfortunately, Hawk's foot went right through the thin paper of the wall 

"Shit" he sighed 

"You see this is why we don't spar in here," Daniel told us 

"Alright, who's next?" Johnny asked as the two of them glared at each other "You know what, take five everybody" we all walked outside, tired, and a little bit concerned 

"I didn't know the walls were so thin," Hawk said as we sat down on the grass 

"I know, he should think that through next time" Mitch groaned 

"Hopefully this gets better, I can't take their arguing, it's kinda funny but also a bit annoying" I took a sip of my water 

"Agreed" Sam sat down next to me "but it's progress, a while ago we couldn't even get them in the same room" 

"Let's just hope they keep progressing" 

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"What is he making" I whispered to Miguel, we sat at the dinner table waiting for Johnny to finish making whatever dish he had attempted to prepare 

"I don't know but ya ya isn't going to be happy about it" he whispered back as Johnny sprinkled something onto the dish 

"Dinner is served" Johnny announced setting a bowl of meat and veggies on the table "tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables, I have pico de Gallo and corn and flour tortillas" 

"Wow, this looks delicious Johnny," my mom said a bit too happily 

"Thanks, I got the recipe off of the Chillis website, I wanted to be authentic," he said uncapping a beer 

"Autentico para quien? Somos Ecuatorianos, no mexicanos" Ya ya said (Authentic for who? we are Ecuadorian, not Mexican)

"Facts" I laughed 

"Here try this" Johnny held up a jug of salsa "spicy mango" it didn't look great and I could tell ya ya was trying not to be rude "just like the old country" the chunky salsa probably full of chemicals plopped onto her place 

"Uh, Gracias," she said sheepishly 

"So, how was the big first day?" my mom asked, Miguel and I looked at each other and then at Johnny, where to begin? 

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