VIP only

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"Come on eat something" Demitri was saying to Miguel at the park the next day "It'll make you feel better" Miguel had gone to meet sam's parents but caught some other kid was sitting at the dinner table with her.

"I still think you're overreacting," Demitri said 

"I'm not overreacting I know what I saw" Miguel insisted

"So you saw her eating dinner with some chub," Hawk said kicking another Cobra Kai member in the face "It was probably just her brother" 

"Brother's don't look at their sisters like that" Miguel said 

"How would you know," Demitri asked 

I scoffed "I'm his sister dumbass" I spat 

"Ok I'm just saying it depends on what part of the country you're in" Demitri continued

"I just don't want what happened to Sensei to happen to me" Miguel looked at the ground

"Ok so go over to this kid and beat his ass, he doesn't have a chance," Hawk said hugging me from behind 

"Don't listen to Eli" Demetri rolled his eyes

"It's Hawk," I said to Demitri as Hawk kissed my cheek

"Yeah whatever, the thing is sam's given you no reason not to trust her" 

"Yeah I guess your right" Miguel agreed 

"That little bitch" Aisha spat handing us our phone "You know that video I posted of me breaking a board, look what Yasmine commented" 

I looked at the comments it read: Impressive...can't believe the belt fits around your waist

"I gotta do something," Aisha said 

"how about we kidnap her and have my boy tatoo bitch across her face," Hawk smirked

I couldn't help it I burst out laughing and he playfully punched me 

"Calm down Hawk" Demitri spat 

"Alright, I hear how you're saying it, and I don't like it," Hawk said raising his eyebrows at Demetri    

"Wait wait" Aisha waved her hand in my face holding the phone out "I have a better Idea" 

"Wait wait" Aisha waved her hand in my face holding the phone out "I have a better Idea" 

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"Yasmine's having a birthday party at the canyon later?" Miguel asked 

"No Miguel," I said sarcastically "she just posted that for no reason" He rolled his eyes at me 

"We can strike first" Aisha smiled sinisterly 

We all nodded "Hell yeah" Hawk said giving me a kiss 

"Alright be sure to stock up good," Aisha said when we were grabbing snacks "I'm inviting everyone, VIP only my ass"

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