No, Sensi

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The next morning I woke up and started getting ready for training at a Junkyard I wasn't sure why we were going there but whatever.

On the way over I looked at Miguel "Sooooo how did your date go" 

He grinned "it was amazing we kissed"

I squealed "omg that's amazing Miguel I'm so happy for you"

"couldn't have done it without you" 

I was so happy for Miguel he honestly deserved this so much, I got to the Junkyard to see Johnny standing on an old bus. What the hell was he going to do?

"You've trained hard" Johnny yelled, "got stronger tougher, faster you've done your best, your ready for this tournament am I right?"

"YES SENSEI" we all yelled 

"WRONG," he said chucking his beer at us "That don't mean shit, to win the All Valley under 18 tournament you have to do better than your best, so from now on you get my worst, do you understand?


"Are you losers"


"Are you nerds 


"Are you sure" 


He slapped himself  we answered wrong I think we were supposed to say yes Sensi,

"move those feet go, go, go" Sensei yelled as we were running through car tires "your enemies are all around you, destroy them," he said Hawk, and I ran to the nearest car and started destroying it with a baseball bat. 

Then, Johnny, had us balance on a beam overlooking a bin with sharp gears and glass Miguel walked over it perfectly "Let's go princess move that ass" Johnny yelled at Miguel 

When Hawk went on the beam he slipped a little causing me to let out a small shriek I hoped Sensei didn't notice. We continued to run through car tires till Aisha fell and Miguel fell on top of her then Hawk went down and I on top of Hawk.

At around 2:00 he gave us a piece of beef jerky each, "Are you guys hungry?" he yelled 

"yes Sensei" we yelled weakly  

"Good, cause so are they," Sensei said and he blew a whistle 

A bunch of vicious-looking german shepherds came running around the corner 

"oh shit" Aisha yelled as we all went running 

"Don't be afraid they smell fear" Johnny yelled 

Hawk got stuck at a dead-end and A german Shepard was about to pounce on him but I pulled him out of the way at the last second.  

He pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned, everytime someone I cared about almost got hurt I would totally freak out I think Hawk knew that. 

"I'm ok," he said taking my face in his hands I nodded and smiled he kissed me passionately then I continued to hug him. 

Hawk asked If I wanted to watch a movie with him so I agreed and told Miguel to take the car. 

"what do you want to watch," he asked 

"I'm not sure," I said, I wanted to watch TALB but I didn't think he would like that

"Ok well we can watch another Harry Potter movie " 

I nodded "that sounds good"

Hawk's mom was always so nice to me I think she liked having me around and I liked her A lot as well, we went to the basement and I lay on his chest again. 

I loved moments like this, Eli was back and I missed him he went back to being his sweet self not needing to be called Hawk and not needing to seem super cool. 

"what are you thinking about?" he asked 

"I'm just so lucky to have you," I said smiling 

"and I'm lucky to have you, Olivia" 

Later that day Miguel and I were sitting on a curb drinking sprite when Sensei joined us. 

Miguel was looking at something that Sam had just posted when Johnny snatched his phone from him. 

"Is this the LaRusso girl" he spat 

"uh yeah, you know Samantha?" Miguel asked 

"Your Dating a LaRusso" Johnny asked sounding mad 

'Yeahhh" Miguel said  

"We need to talk," Johnny said 

I stared at him what was Johnny's problem I know he had a rivalry with Sam's father but Sam never did anything wrong. 

Johnny finished telling Miguel the story of how Daniel LaRusso stole Ali from him causing me to roll my eyes at least 5 times.

"You gotta watch out for the LaRusso's" Johnny concluded getting up and walking away

Miguel and I looked at each other, we finished our sprite and walked home for dinner.

"Hi guys," my mom said we waved and she spotted johnny across the way "Do you have dinner plans, Johnny," she asked Johnny "Me?" he asked 

No dumbass the other Johnny

"Uh yeah I have a couple of Hot Pockets, I'm good" 

"That sounds like the opposite of good," My mom said "want to join us"

"thanks but I wouldn't want to ya know bother you guys" Johnny answered 

"it's no bother we have plenty of food," my mom said waving him inside

"I would but-"

"No but's," my mom said "my dojo my rules" 

Johnny gave up and came inside he talked about the bananas we were eating and my mom told him that they were plantains. He was confused when we said a blessing over our food. My mom and Johnny talked about the tournament.

"I don't want Miguel or Olivia getting hurt," she said 

"I told you there are referees we can't get hurt" Miguel moaned 

"at least not permanently" Johnny added 

I had to control myself from laughing when my mom looked at him like he was insane. 

All of a sudden my phone rang and it was Hawk "oh sorry" I mumbled 

"answer it Mija," my mom said "don't take too long your food is going to get cold" 

I nodded and ran to my room 

"heyyyy" I said to hawk when I answered

"El serpiente" he said  

"what?" I asked laughing 

"it means the snake"

"ohhhh well I take french, not Spanish" I giggled 

"when do you think I can meet your mom"

"Oh you can come over whenever you want too my mom would love to meet you, I think she really wants to see you as I talk about you a lot"

"Should I be worried" he laughed 

"of course not I only say good things" 

"good" he smiled 

We continued to talk for a bit until I excused myself to continue eating dinner, Miguel was racing out the door and I followed. 

"Miguel what are you doing"

"Being the Alpha" he said driving away 

I had absolutely no Idea what he was going to do

My brother's best friendDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora