The Library

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On Monday Miguel, Demitri, Eli and I were hanging out in the library studying we were all super quiet when Demetri, of course, decided to break the silence. 

"So that's it no more karate?" 

"I guess so," Miguel said sadly I gave him a small hug

"it's probably for the best" Demetri continued "it was starting to boost your confidence" 

Eli looked up skeptically

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked 

"no," Demitri said "what has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash" 

"well I-I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli said quietly

Demitri scoffed and I glared at him "lemme ask you, what is the best superpower anyone could have?" Demiri asked 

"super strength," Miguel said 

"wrong Demitri said" I rolled my eyes and Eli gave me a hug so I didn't blow up at him

"it's invisibility" Demitri continued "a distant second would be super speed, to run away fast" 

"run away from who," Kyler asked placing a hand on Eli's shoulder I wanted to rip it off him but Miguel shook his head signaling for me not to do anything. 

"We were just leaving," Miguel said and grabbed his stuff along with mine pulling me up. 

"Hey where are you going," Kyler said grabbing Eli's face "ew look at this freak, what kind of girl would ever kiss this shit," Kyler said laughing 

"I would" I yelled loudly blushing Kyler laughed dropping Eli's face and walking over to me 

"oh would you, I guess you're a freak too just like the rest of them," he said 

"don't make me punch you Kyler" I growled 

"Whatever," he said 

I grabbed Eli's hand and we started to walk away when Kyler grabbed Demitri's backpack "You don't want this shit" Kyler said 

"come on not the trash I just threw a-" Demitri begged as Kyler threw it into the trash "yogurt in there" 

We grabbed his backpack and started to leave when I saw sam the girl dating Kyler "great boyfriend you have" I spat at her

Eli and I went to English together we threw our bags down sitting next to each other. 

"Hey Olivia" 


"did you mean what you said about kissing me," Eli asked timidly 

I turned to him and smiled "yes I did mean it" 

"you are so weird," he said


"because I'm not even good looking and you would kiss me"

I laughed "Eli you are actually very good looking that scar doesn't make you look bad in my opinion" 

"I'm really not good looking but whatever" 

I glared at him "sure you tell yourself that" I said grinning 

He gave me a big hug which I returned gladly 

After school, we always went and got something to eat it had become a tradition so today we were going to his house to watch harry potter and eat chips. We got into his mom's car and she began to drive away. 

"So which movie do you want to watch," I asked Eli  

"I really like the fourth one," he said 

"that's perfect"

"who's your fav character," he asked 

"Hmmm I would have to say Draco Malfoy"

"what why?" he gasped 

I giggled "I am a Slytherin and he is the Slytherin king" 

"Wow Olivia I thought you would be on my side of liking Gryffindor" 

I shook my head "nope Slytherin all the way"

We sat in his basement eating our chips and watching the movie. 

"poor Cedric he doesn't deserve to die," I said 

"I know," he said smiling 

"would you enter the tournament," I asked Eli

"heck no I'm not brave enough for that" 

"yes you are," I said 






I chucked a chip at him and snuggled into his chest. I started to think about kissing him jeez what was wrong with me, Eli didn't think of me that way at least I didn't think so. I took his hand in mine compared to my hand he was huge he seemed to notice that as well. 

"why is your hand so tiny Olivia"

"so it fits perfectly in someone else's hand"

"who's hand"

"preferably yours," I said blushing 

He continued to hold my hand. I really wanted to kiss him but it would be weird if it ended up that he didn't like me the same way. 

We were watching Krum ask Hermione to the Yule Ball when he lifted my chin with his hand I think I may have stopped breathing when he lowered his face to mine and gently pressed his lips to mine. I could have screamed from excitement but I didn't want to ruin the moment. 

When he pulled away I felt dizzy luckily we were laying on the couch we smiled and I put my head back on his chest. 

Later when I went back home I ran into Miguel's room. "Miguel guess what" I yelled bouncing on his bed he stood up on the bed with me "what!" he asked excitedly "Eli kissed me," I said gleefully "oh my god yay Olivia," he said giving me a huge hug we continued to bounce on the bed for a little while. I had the best relationship with my brother we could talk to each other about anything. 

"I have a question," he said sitting down on the bed


"how do I get a girl to like me" 

I giggled "anyone in particular"

"yes Samantha LaRusso"

"oooh ok so basically just be yourself and try to make her laugh" I spotted a poster on his wall that said strike first strike hard no mercy "strike first" I added laughing he pushed me off his bed

"you are coming to the dojo soon right?" he asked 

"yes I'll be there on Wednesday" 


I smiled at my brother and left to go to my room. I lay on my bed and my phone lit up I got a text from Eli, I had a really good time today it read I smiled, and texted back me too can't wait to see you at school tomorrow I put my phone down and smiled at the ceiling. 

I had ended up liking my brother's best friend!

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