The cafeteria fight

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We were all sitting in the cafeteria again because well that's where our friend group is most days. I was sitting next to Eli and he had his arm around me.

"Did I miss something," Demitri asked 

Elia and I burst out laughing "yeah I kissed Olivia last night," Eli said 

"Ok get it I guess," Demitri said laughing 

I was not in the mood to put up with his sarcasm 

all of a sudden the whole cafeteria went silent our group looked around everyone was looking at sam. She stood there in her blue dress and looked around. 

"don't even think about it," Aisha said as same came to sit with us Aisha joined our group because she joined cobra kai with Miguel. 

"I need someplace to sit" sam pleaded 

"you can go sit with Kyler, I heard he doesn't mind that you suck" 

sam marched over to Kyler and tapped his shoulder 

"think its funny to spread rumors about me," she asked

"We saw a movie and that's it," Kyler said "well maybe I saw a little more than you" he and his friends started laughing 

"Yeah we heard you got a little.....chocked up," Kyler's friend said  

Sam knocked his lunch tray off the table 

"Hey guys" Kyler yelled "you know that billboard with the big ass dick on it, I guess sam takes after her dad"

everyone started laughing and I couldn't help but feel bad for her. 

"hey Kyler" Miguel yelled 

I grabbed his arm "Miguel don't" he didn't listen 

"Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole"

I clutched onto Eli's arm I was scared for my brother

"want another beat-down Reha?" Kyler smirked and pushed Miguel "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time" Kyler pushed Miguel harder

"it's not lame-ass karate," Miguel said blocking a punch from Kyler "it's cobra kai" Miguel punched Kyler in the face 

Kyler charged at Miguel and ramed him onto the lunch table grabbing his neck "come here you piece of shit" Kyler said as Miguel elbowed him in the stomach and kicked him into a lunch table

"NO MERCY" Aisha yelled to Miguel 

Miguel swiped the fat boy's feet and took out two more guys he started to run as the boys got up he pushed a chair at one of them and hit Kyler in the face with a lunch tray.

He kneed the fat boy in the stomach and continued smacking people with lunch trays after they were all down only Kyler got back up

He charged at Miguel again and Miguel kicked him and hit him in the face knocking him back down. 

No one got back up this time the whole cafeteria was clapping and cheering for Miguel, some people recorded it and sam was looking at him in awe. 

I jumped up and gave Miguel a huge hug 

"Don't ever do that again Miguel" I yelled at him "I can't let you get hurt" 

"Olivia it's my job as an older brother to protect you," he said 

I scoffed still not letting go of him "you are only older by three days" 

Eli came up and congratulated him on the fight pulling me into his arms I embraced the hug. 

Eli and I walked to English together and sat down. 

"you really care about Miguel don't you," he said 

"Of course I mean he's my brother" 

He gave me a small kiss "I like how much you care for other people" 

I smiled "I care for you just as much as I care for Miguel just in a different way" I giggled 

He smothered me in another hug I just wanted to be with Eli all the time we were adorable and I liked him so much. 

Eli was hanging out with Miguel after school so I started walking to my car when I ran into sam. 

"Oh hi," I said to her 

"Hi, Olivia right?" I nodded 

"cool want to get sushi with me?" 

I smiled at her "that sounds great" 

We got to the sushi place and ordered a dragon roll. 

"so Olivia I've been meaning to ask you about Miguel"

I laughed "ask away sam" 

"so I like Miguel and I was wondering if you could tell me if he likes me as well" 

"well I'll be breaking the sibling code if I tell you but I will anyway, so yeah Miguel does like you, he's actually liked you since he first laid eyes on you" 

"oh really"

"Yeah and I guess that's why he took down four guys for you today" 

Sam smiled "Do you think he'll ask me out" 

"I'm not sure but maybe" 

"could you possibly put the idea in his head"

"sure, oh look here comes the sushi," I said 

We ate our sushi and talked about karate sam told me about her dad's rivalry with cobra kai but promised we could still be friends even if I joined. Apparently, their dads fought over a girl in high school and they still haven't gotten over their feud. Sam was a really fun person to hang out with she was so kind and could make you feel happy instantly. 

When I went home Eli was still in Miguel's room I probably shouldn't have done it but I started to eavesdrop. "She's really nice" I heard Eli saying "I'm so lucky to have her Olivia says she's a Slytherin but she's definitely a Hufflepuff I mean she's so kind to me and I don't understand why she could be in the popular girl group and everything with her beauty but she isn't and she's never talked about my lip unless I brought it up and she's telling me that my scarr doesn't change anything"  

"Well Eli," Miguel said "my mother taught her to be kind and never to judge someone on looks and to judge them on personality, Olivia has grown up being kind to everyone who deserves it I see the way she looks at you, Eli  she really cares about you" 

I smiled to myself I had the best brother in the world. I opened the door and pretended that I hadn't heard any of the previous conversations.

"Hi Olivia" Miguel said 

"Hey, so I was thinking you should ask sam out," I said 


"yep I know you like her and she likes you too"

"how do you know," Miguel asked 

"I have my sources," I said taking Eli's hand

"Ok Olivia I'll think about it," Miguel said, "you are joining cobra kai tomorrow right?" 

"yes I am and Eli is coming with me" I beamed at Eli and he gave me a bear hug

"Ok you are interrupting our guy time," Miguel said "so can you escort yourself out," he said pointing at the door 

"Ok ok I'll see you guys later," I said laughing and closing the door behind me

"I like this Eli," my mom said as I was pulling out orange juice 

"me too mom, me too"  

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