Cobra Kai for life

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"Hey listen up" A voice yelled Hawk and I looked at each other and then saw Johnny Lawrance walking down the hallway, 

"I screwed up," Johnny said "and I'm sorry, I made it about me, and that's not what a Sensei does, I took the easy way out I gave up, what happened here at this school, it rocked me to my core I couldn't look myself in the eye, let alone you. (does that actually make sense cause I think johnny got that wrong)  

"Yeah, I guess it makes it easier to tell yourself that, but the truth is you bailed on us long before that fight happened" Hawk spat 

"You got soft and we paid the price" I added

Johnny marched up to Hawk and me "listen up" he said pointing at Hawk "when you came into my dojo you were softer than a baby's ass, I made you what you are not Kreese he doesn't give a shit about you, about any of you so if you wanna keep whining about the past like a bunch of pussys fine we can play that game wanna stick with Kreese go ahead but don't say I didn't warn you when your life ends up in the shitter, or you can sac up and join my dojo" 

I tried not to scoff we hadn't seen him in almost two months and now he's telling us that we are pussies it's ridiculous. We looked at each other I knew I wasn't going to this dojo no matter how hard Miguel begged after school. 

"Haven magnolia tomorrow at four if you want to save yourselves and train in the right way you'd better be there AND DON'T BE LATE" 

Johnny walked away knocking books out of a little boys hands "sorry kid old habit" he said 

We all gathered in a circle 

"so what do you think," Rickenburger asked

"I'm not joining" Hawk spit "Cobra Kai for life" 

"Same," I said "I'm not going"

The rest of them nodded and agreed with us. 

Hawk was driving me home when he looked over at me "are you sure you don't want to go tomorrow?" he asked 

"Yes, we haven't seen him in so long and he thinks he has the right to tell us we are pussies when he ran away from his problems for almost two months, it just isn't right" 

Hawk looked convinced "Yeah you are right" 

"Should we tell Kreese?" I asked 

"yes, I think I will" Hawk answered 


We pulled up to my apartment I turned to Hawk and pulled him into a kiss, he smashed his lips on mine it was a kiss full of passion.

"I love you Hawk, more than life itself"

"I love you too Olivia"

I climbed out of his car and unclocked the door getting ready to tell Miguel I wouldn't be at the new dojo tomorrow.

He was sitting at the table waiting for me he jumped up and walked over, 

"Miguel before you say anything I will not be at the new dojo tomorrow and neither will Hawk and the rest of Cobra Kai" 

"Olivia please it would be really good"

"Miguel I said no"

"Olivia, don't you see you are being brainwashed by Kreese he's turned you into an army of assholes" 

"Miguel don't call me an asshole" I spat "and for the last time no, Johnny can't just come back into our lives like that, he gave up on us not the other way around"

Miguel glared at me grabbing my shoulders and shaking me "Olivia because of Kreese you broke your best friends are, do you even realize how bad that is" 

"Obviously I do but Kreese was there for us in a time of need he made us stronger" 

"you really are a fucking idiot Olivia"

"I don't give a shit what you think of me right now Miguel," I said slamming my door and locking it. 

I planned on being in my room for a while I didn't want Miguel to keep pestering me. I sat on my bed watching criminal minds and eating candy soon I got a text from Hawk. 

H: Kreese wants us to confront the new dojo tomorrow

O: ok who else is gonna be there

H: the people we sit with at lunch, Kyler and Tory

O: alrighty I'll be there 

H: goodnight my love

O: goodnight ♥️

Four o'clock rolled around sooner than I expected. Miguel had left at 3:20 to help Johnny Hawk picked me up about 10 minutes later. We then picked up Rickenburger and Tory. 

We pulled up at the public park and met Sensei Kreese, we looked around till we spotted the new dojo trying to kick frisbees Tory and I smirked at each other. 

We got close me and Hawk in the lead the others would follow a couple of seconds behind. 

"Sensei look," Miguel said pointing to me and Hawk

"Still got it" Johnny laughed "alright everybody looks like our class just got a little bit bigger, make room"

We stopped a foot or two in front of them and Tory and Kyler walked around the corner, that's when they realized we weren't joining the dojo, Kreese followed with Rickenburger and some other guy flanking him. 

"I told you" Hawk smirked "Cobra Kai for life" 

"Hello Johnny," Kreese said "I'm not here for a fight"

"Then why the hell are you here"

Kreese chuckled "I'd like to make you another offer to come back to Cobra Kai where you belong"

"your crazy if you think I'm gonna go through that with you" Johnny sneered "the garbage you're feeding them, the shit their pulling, it's messed up, and you are to blame for that"

"I have to disagree with that, I care about my students, their strong, and true fighters, and they wouldn't make a mistake of showing mercy and ending up in a coma" 

Miguel stepped forward prepared to fight and so did Hawk

"This is it, Johnny, there isn't gonna be another chance"

"Good" Johnny snarled 

We started to walk away with Hawks arm around me when Miguel called my name.

"Olivia please, you can't go with them I'm your brother this dojo is your family, not Kreese he'll screw you over the second you make a small mistake, I know you blame Miyagi-Do for what happened to me but they didn't start the fight Tory did"

Kreese was watching me carefully waiting for my response along with the rest of Cobra Kai

"I'm not joining Cobra Kai is my family, goodbye Miguel" 

We continued to walk away, I hoped I had made the right choice because if I didn't the price would be very high.

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