Enemies to enemies

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The bell finally, finally rang. This single hour lesson was the longest of Micheals life and it was only the first lesson of the day, of the term.

The small teen sprang to his feet almost immediately, things already packed away and he bolted for the door. He spared no time in sprinting to his locker, garnering a few weird stares at the act of this weird ass Christian boy in a hurry.

Micheal finally reached it, the one place that he thought would be salvation. With a huff and a pinch of the nose, Micheal opened his locker and started putting all he had in the small space. Just as he finished and he closed to door, a grinning figure who lent against the locker next over looked down at Micheal.

"Why hello there baby cakes~"
"...I'm gonna kill myself..."

Micheal groaned and used his free hand to slap his own face, slightly gripping it in frustration.
"Don't you have something better to do?" Micheal spat, ripping his hand off his face in pure anger. Zane struggled to keep in a giggle, putting a hand to his mouth, "no, I don't. Maybe you should take a chill pill!" Zane cheerfully suggested with a grand gesture that made Micheal roll his eyes back so far anyone would be scared they'd get stuck.

The young teen grumbled, turning his back and walking away from Zane with nothing but a book in hand. Zane quickly caught up, much to Micheals dismay. "Whatcha got there?" Zane reached for the thick book but Micheal snatched it away before he could even get a few inches near it. "Touch it and you're dead." Micheal glared as if he'd kill Zane but the other just laughed and playfully rolled his eyes, "kinky."

Micheal stopped walking and stared at the other, completely in disgusted shock. He tried to form words, to try and tell this idiot how perverted and sick he was but he couldn't, he was at a loss for words.

After a while he stopped and closed his eyes, taking in a deep breathe and opened them back up and continued walking to his favoured destination.

They walked in silence for a moment but with each step Micheal couldn't help but feel disturbed and tortured.
"Can you please just leave me alone? School is a place to learn and I know you have no intention of that whatsoever."
"Weelll more then 70% of what you learn in school you'll never use in life." Zane grinned quite devilishly down at the smaller man.
"Let me guess, one of your crackhead friends told you that?"
"Pothead, actually."

Micheal sighed and looked ahead, there was a large glass door. "Just leave me, I have no interest in you and I'm far to boring for you to even care. So just do us both a favour and leave me alone." Zane looked down at him, completely expressionless before he started to ponder. Eventually he looked down at Micheal with a soft smile and shrugged.

"I- I fu- you are just...I hate you." he tried to form words around how much he despised this awful rebellious teen but it was no use.

Micheal started walking towards the door, his chest repeatedly rose and fell as he tried to focus on it, on anything other than this man child. Micheal reached for the handle of the door and silently hissed at the cold of the metal, sending shivers up his arm. The teen swung the door open and squinted at the blazing sun he was immediately met with, placing a hand across his face to block the dangerous rays from his sight.

"Hey if the suns bothering you then here!" Before Micheal could react in the slightest he felt something plop onto his head. He pulled it off and examined it; it was a beaten up, drawn all over and dirty bucket hat.

"If you look close enough you can see a cock!" Zane giggled at the simple sentence but it just greatly pondered Micheal. "Why would there be a rooster on here?" Zanes mouth dropped but soon it was exploding with laughter, so much so he almost fell over. "Oh my god! You are a hoot!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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