You wanna get to know me?

392 34 79

Sebring, Florida

High school, junior year: how fun! I think I'd rather hang myself, but here I am walking into school grounds with my backpack on my back and hundreds of pubescent and annoying teens screaming and clamouring their way to wherever the useless place they need to go is.

I straighten my posture as I walk and I just focus on making my way to my locker, getting to class, and getting out of this god forsaken hole full of stupid idiots-

"Oh look who's here! Mikey Wikey!"

A tall man stood tall, he was buff and leaned up against Micheals locker, his perfect brown hair swung in his face and beads of sweat dared to scatter across his forehead. "Stupid nickname but okay Johnathan." I try to push him off my locker but he's much bigger and stronger than me, so instead I open it and the metal slams into his face with a loud thud. He yelps and it causes me to let out a snicker.

Johnathan slides away from the door and glares at me from behind, "Find that funny nerd?"
"Yes actually, quite." I shut the locker door back close after sorting all my stuff out and attempt to walk away. The quick padding of shoes make me sigh as I know what's coming, I'm snatched from my collar and pulled back slightly to face the 'big scary man', oh woe is me.

"You might want to be careful with what you do and say freak, one smart ass word and I'll beat your fucking ass."



Welp, Late for class once again. I didn't really have time to clean up my blood or even inspect how bad my bruising was, I just wanted to get into class and learn for once with no distractions what so ever. None.

POV: Third person

Once the bloodied up teen sat down, ignoring all the murmurs and stares from his peers, another person bursts into the class a lot less elegantly and with much more force and charisma...

'oh no.'

"Ah sorry I'm late miss! The principal and I had to have a little chat, wink wink." The teacher just rolled her eyes, snatching the late slip out of his hands and directing him to the only free seat there was, right next to Micheal.

"Class this is Zane, I'm sure you all know that already but he's moving in here for his recent behaviour." The teacher lowered her voice at the last word which in return she got a salute and wink from the disruptive boy in return.

Micheal slapped his hands onto his face and groaned, he could already feel a migraine coming on.

The so called 'Zane' tapped on his desk and looked around a little, completely ignoring what on gods earth the teacher was explaining. He especially looked at peoples shoes, you'd be surprised how many glow up shoes there were.

Soon his eyes stopped at the person to his left and he looked up and saw a very handsome young man: his hair was a beautiful golden colour but you could see it starting to grey a little, his skin looked so silky soft and there was dried blood in a perfect stream along his face, he was focusing on writing everything the teacher said and didn't notice anything around him or just didn't care.

'He's hot.'

The man looked over at the others work, leaning over so much his desk nearly tipped as he desperately held onto it. Micheal rolled his eyes and snapped his head at the reckless teen. "Do you mind?"
"No not really."
The boy put his chair back in place and extended a hand out with a massive grin, "The names Zane!" He triumphantly chuckled, but soon his smile became weaker as the other man before him didn't bother to shake his hand or even utter a word, just staring at him with a cold dead glare.

Zane pulled back with a cartoonish noise and leant against his chair. "Someones a bit cranky." Zane giggled, bumping Micheals shoulder playfully to get some sort of reaction out of him, anything.

Micheal instead just sighed and went back to his work, completely ignoring the other, causing him to be some what distraught and physically deflate, "caaaan I getta name orrr?"
Zane asked playfully. Micheal didn't budge and just kept his head down.

"Alright toots, suit yourself. Just gotta say you're reeaally missing out on the Zane-Myster." Still not response. Zane just rolled his eyes, dramatically crashing into the back of his chair, he sighed and flipped around with his pencil until it fell far beyond reach. The black haired boy groaned loudly in boredom, causing a few 'shushs' from those around him.

Micheal perused with his work despite the ever growing distraction of the tall boy beside him.

The black haired man tapped on the desk repeatedly, the whole class heard the black-painted finger nail hitting the wood but they all elected to ignore it and focus on, god, anything else.

Zanes taps became more aggressive as time went on and eventually it came to an abrupt stop, many students silently thanking whatever made him stop.
Zanes attention flickered to Micheal, he just couldn't get the boy out of his mind and it was driving him insane; the teen in question scribbled words down on his page and didn't I've a care to the boy beside him, he for a moment glanced his way then returned to his work.


Zane blushed, looking at every inch of his face. Then he noticed the blood, it was dried up but he could tell there was a lot of it when it occurred because the gash above it was nasty and glistening in the artificial light above them, the blood stretched down the side of his face and onto his jawline, leaving a reminder of the stream of blood that poured down his skin moments before he had walked through the classroom door.

The caramel skinned man huffed, reaching over to touch it, "Did you get in a fight or uhh, what happened butterbean?" Micheal rolled his eyes and stared long and hard at the other man, "never call me that again."
"What about peewee?"
"Little boy?"
"Can you just shut up?"
"Hmmm how about faggot?"

Micheal silently gasped, glaring at Zane with such anger and frustrated amazement. "Don't...don't call me that. I am not one of them." The smaller teen stared at him a moment longer before snapping his head back to his book despite not doing anything with it, just looking down at it as if it had offended him just with its presence.

Zane stifled a laugh, leaning back in his chair as he played with a few of the hairs sticking out from his fringe. "Bit of a sore topic huh? 'Ight batty boy, won' budge again I guess."

Micheal curled his hand into a fist around his pencil. This jerk was really starting to test him.

"Just leave me alone, please. I know who you are and I for sure don't want to be associated with you what so ever." Micheal spat. What he said was true, Zane was the rough and rebellious teen that did everything in his path to fuck everything up; the complete opposite of Micheal.

The black haired man chuckled, leaning his head back in amusement but still keeping a keen eye on his new 'friend', "oh dear, you really don't know me at all." Zane stared at Micheal long and hard, putting all his weight onto his arm. "Guess I'm just gonna have to make you learn."

"oh you've got to be kidding me."

Words: 1284

~AH FIRST CHAPTER!!! it's been long awaited and this was actually supposed to be much longer but you guys don't deserve to wait longer, sooooo here you go!!! this is the start of quite a long story, and a more tragic one the fmffihs. I hope you guys like it <3~

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