Chapter 28- A new friend

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What is going on?

Am I there yet?

I slowly open my eyes and get up.

"How long do you expect me to wait for you huh?!"

I see a beautiful girl with long blond hair, brown eyes and a maid costume.

"Ah...I am sorry...I didn't mean to faint"I said with an awkward smile.

She pouted.

"Everytime! I have to do everything on my own! Come help sometime you know!"


"Ahahaha...Sure?"I said and smiled.

Her cheeks turn red.

"O-okay... Take this and clean!I have work to do! See ya around!"she said and left.

Even though she has a sharp tongue she seems somewhat cute ahaha.

I looked around.

"Oh a mirror!"

I went closer and looked at the reflection of myself.

I am wearing a maid costume.

I got a teenager body as well?

But the costume is cute!

It is similar to the one the maids wear at home!

I pause.

Ah..."Home" doesn't exist anymore...

I shouldn't think of sad things right now!

I immediately started cleaning every room in that part of the house.

"Phew! There are so many rooms but so few maids!"I said and sat on a chair to rest for a bit.

Is this family so rich but spend so little to necessities huh?

"Are you done?"

"Ah!"I jump from my seat.

"Ahaha! I am sorry for scaring you.Good job!"

My shocked face turned to a smile.

"Thank you so much! I am done with the work!"

I had to clean these rooms?

That is only what I assumed ahaha...

"Yes! Also what is your name? You seem new!"she said and giggled.

She has long curly brown hair and green eyes.

"Ah! My name is Rose! How about you miss?"

I extend my hand for a handshake.

She accepted it.

"Nice to meet you Rose! I am Lily!"

She seems the exact opposite from the other maid I met three hours ago.

"Um excuse me? Is there a cute maid with blond hair and brown eyes that shouts a lot here?"

She froze.

The next second she was on the floor laughing.

"AHAHAHAHA!! I can't believe it! You mean Alex! She is exactly like that!You met her first? AHAHA! I am so sorry for her attitude."she said between her laughs.

Oh so that is her name.

"Oh! Ops! I completely forgot because you are so funny! We are having a dinner with the other maids in the kitchen! Wanna come?"she said with a sweet smile.


"Ahaha! It seems that I am hungry!"I said and we both giggled.

To be continued...

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