"Wait what's a-" before she could get another word in I smothered her face with kisses.

"I'm gonna go immediately, I'll bring you back something nice, oh what the hell, you too Quinton I'm feeling nice." I sped away, "cover for me in classes ok?"

And just like that I was gone, leaving behind a bright red Charlotte and a confused Quinton.

I quickly found myself outside, inspecting the tall front gates, blocking my escape. However these gates are no match for me, a former leash kid.

I scaled the gate, landing on my face on the way back down, but no one saw it so it doesn't count.

Rushing over to the stables, I selected the noblest looking steed and began galloping towards the city.

The wind flowed through my hair as I thought over what I'd say to her when I got there. Do I...ask her on a date? No, no, that's too forward. But what if she likes forward? If Lillian were to ask me out on a date I'd like for her to do it with confidence, knowing I'd say yes. So I should probably do the same right?

These thoughts kept me preoccupied until I was all out of time to think. I'd been so lost in thought that I'd lost track of time and I found myself in her estate, under her bedroom window.

I jumped off the horse and double checked my appearance in the window below hers.

I looked windswept and dishevelled, but that's charming in its own way....right?

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, shook out my fingers that I'd been wringing together and began to climb the sweeping ivy all the way up to her window.

I'd get all the way up here and she's not even home, I'm gonna be so embarrassed. Or even worse, what if a maid catches me and I'm misunderstood for a thief...our love would become forbidden, that might make for a better story for our children actually.

I undid her window latch and tumbled inside with elegance. Her room smelt cold and fresh, like the first snow of winter. The room was filled with many bright gemstones, but none were as lovely as the one right in front of me. Even the dress she wore was no match for the light in her eyes.

Lillian broke out into a grin and quickly strode towards me. I thought for a moment that she was going to throw herself into my arms, but it must've been my imagination again, she couldn't have missed me as much as I missed her.

"May," as her face lit up, as did my heart," you're back."

"Of course, how am I supposed to protect my lady if I'm always so far away from you?"

I gave her a kiss on the back of her hand, barely resisting the urge to smother her with love in my arms...must...stay...chivalrous.

"But why are you back so soon? Shouldn't you be training right now?"

"Ah, don't worry, I won't skimp out on my training, I'll get strong. I just had something more important to do today."

I subtly covered my face to hide the red creeping up from underneath my skin.

"I was wondering if you'd maybe uh...wanna spend the day with me?"

Lillian's eyes widened and I looked away, fearing the worst.

She clasped both of my hands in hers, "YES...ahem I mean yes, that sounds wonderful."

...Someone pinch me, it's like Christmas, my birthday and Lillian's birthday have come all at once. She's going on a date with me and she's still holding my hands.

Barely containing my excitement I say, " AH, well, ahem that's great. I'll make sure this is a day to remember."

We stood awkwardly for a moment.

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