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**Gianni, Three days later(Thursday)**

I wake up to my phone buzzing annoyingly close to my ear, making me grab it and open my eyes.

Bambi: hi!!!! You can finally come over, we're done unpacking everything!
Bambi: omg i forgot you're probably still sleeping
Bambi: message me when you're awake
Bambi: ok bye bye
Bambi: Right, i'll stop texting now hehehe bye

I smile, my annoyance completely gone as I sit up and rub my eyes before responding.

Me: I'm up. You want me to come over now?
Bambi: Good Morning! Yes, if you want to. You don't have classes today, right?
Me: Right. Let me get ready, Send me the address. We can go grab some breakfast, too.
Bambi: yesssss

I get out of bed, walking to my bathroom and grabbing my toothbrush.

Since we have our Monthly Art projects due soon, the majority of the Art Students have the rest of this week and all of Next week off of classes unless they're underclassmen. I, haven't technically started Mine. I know what I want to do, but I have yet to actually start putting it together.

I'll do it...sooner or later. Probably later.


I pull up in front of the nice apartment building, parking my car and getting out. I walk inside, looking around as I walk to the elevator. I look at the message from Dimitrius and click on level 12.

I arrive, walking down the hall until I reach door 1205 and knocking on the front door. "SOMEONES HERE!" A little voice screams from inside.

"STOP YELLING!" A deeper voice shouts back, and the door opens revealing a beaming Dimitrius.

"Hi." He greets me, and his eyes travel up and down my body. "You look pretty today." He compliments.

"Thanks. You look pretty too." I say, earning a small blush in return. We go into the apartment, and I make sure to take off my shoes as small footsteps echo through the home.

"WHO IS I- woah." The little boy stops in front of Dimitrius and I, staring up at me in shock. "Uncle D, there's a really pretty girl here." He whispers, not taking his eyes off of me as if I'm no real.

"I know." Dimitirus whispers back.

"這是你的女朋友嗎?" The boy asks in confusion, and Dimitrius blushes as he responds. (Is this your girlfriend?)

"No." he murmurs quietly. "Aren't you supposed to be cleaning?" He asks the kid, who grins and ignores him as he turns to me.

"I'm Bam Bam. But you can just call me Bam." He says, giving me a bright grin revealing two adorable dimples on his cheeks.

"I'm Gianni." I respond. "Dimitrius speaks very highly of you, Bam." I tell him, which makes his grin widen even further.

"I knew you liked me." He says to his Uncle who smiles fondly at him. "I have to go because my dad wants me to clean. But when I'm done, I'll show you my hot wheels, okay?" He promises me.

"Okay." I smile. He gives me one last dimpled grin, before running off. I chuckle, looking at Dimitrius who is smiling. "He's cute." I nod.

"He is." He smiles back. "Here, I'll find my brother so you can meet him, too." He tells me. "Make yourself comfortable." he points at the light Grey couch in the living room. I sit down, and he heads down the long hallway of the apartment.

This is definitely nicer than where he just moved from. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that there's 3 or 4 bedrooms and 2 or 3 bathrooms. Only because of the length between the doors in the hallway, so obviously this is a pretty spread-out apartment.

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