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**Dimitrius, Three Days Later**(Outfit is for the next day btw)

I flip the page of my Textbook, reading the sentence before taking note of what I need to remember. "Hey." Her familiar voice says, and I look up at her and smile.

"Hi, Gigi." I greet.

"Gigi?" She asks, sitting next to me and taking out her own notebook and computer.

"I-I just thought since you gave me a nickname, I could give you one too. I won't call you it if you don't like it-"

"I like it." She cuts me off, and I let out a breath of relief. "What're you working on?" She asks, gazing up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Some homework for Microeconomics." I reply, and she nods. "And you?" I ask.

"I have to finish typing out this Essay. It's due tonight." She responds. "Wanna grab some Dinner when we leave?" She offers.

"Yeah, that'd be fun!" I nod with a smile.


We both finish our assignments, and I look at the Time.

Hmm, it's already 7pm. It feels earlier.

"Where're we going for Dinner?" I ask her.

"I was thinking I could make us something." She answers. "If you're okay with that." She adds at the end.

"Sounds good." I smile.

"Cool. Let's stop by the Store first." She says, and we both get into her car. She starts it up, and I buckle as. "You have any allergies?" She asks me, and I think for a second. "You don't know off the top of your head?" She muses, and I blush in embarrassment.

"No, I'm not allergic to anything." I murmur. "Are you?"

"Stupid people." She answers. "I'm allergic to stupid people."

"I think I am too." I nod in agreement, and she chuckles and shakes her head in amusement.


We get to her Condo and go inside, and I follow her into the kitchen. We both wash our hands, and I watch as she takes off her jacket leaving her in just a black muscle shirt that's tucked into her black baggy ripped jeans. She puts her hair up revealing her undercut, and I see it's three curved lines shaved into her head. I also make note of her ear piercings, admiring how many she has and how cool the earrings look.

"You know how to cut Chicken?" She asks me.

"Yeah." I nod, and take the cutting board and chicken from her.

"Ever had Arroz Con Pollo?" She questions, and I shake my head. "Everyone in my family is required to know how to make this for some reason. I don't know who established the rule, but by the time I was 7 I was already starting to make this myself." She tells me as she cuts up Vegetables.

I watch as she professionally chops them, very quickly might I add. Meanwhile, I've already almost cut my finger off. Twice.

We finish cutting everything, and she takes the chicken and puts it in the Pan on the Stove. "You should say something in Spanish." I say with a grin, and she raises an eyebrow. "I heard it's a romantic language." i murmur more to myself than her. She smirks and sits on the counter in front of me.

"Eres mía, pretty boy. Nadie más. Recuerda eso." She says, and I swallow nervously.

I heard pretty boy. That's enough make me regret my request.

"W-What did you say?" I ask, and she smiles.

"That's for me to know, and you to not." She answers. "Want something to drink?" She asks, and I nod and absentmindedly lick my dry lips. Her eyes linger on my lips for a second, before she smiles to herself and jumps off the counter. "Water, Diet Coke. Juaritos, Red Bull, Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Coconut Milk- fuck I have a lot of drinks." She murmurs.

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