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**Gianni, A month Later**

I pull up in front of Dimitrius' apartment building and watch as he comes out quickly and runs through the rain to my car. He gets in, smiling at me adorably while rain drips down his face. I chuckle grabbing the extra towel I keep in my backseat. He thanks me and wipes his face and dries his hair, before folding it up and putting it back.

"What time does your class start?" I ask him.

"8:30." He replies, and I check the clock on the screen.


"Coffee?" I offer. He nods happily, and I head out of the parking lot of his building.


"Did you know that you dress like an Art Major?" He says as we walk into the University.

"What?" i ask with a small laugh.

"If there was a certain an Art student was supposed to dress..." He says, looking down at my current outfit then back up at me. "It'd be like this."

"Is that...a good thing?" I ask.

"Yes. You dress really pretty." He compliments with a smile.

"Thank you, Bamb-"

"D!" An annoying voice calls out, and we both stop at Michelle runs up to us. "Hi, wanna walk me to class?" She asks giving him a flirtacious smile.

"Oh, I'm walking with Gi-"

"Go ahead." i cut him off. "My class is on the opposite side of the building than yours anyways. I'll meet you by that tree in the middle of campus at 4?" I suggest.

"Hmm, okay." he nods unsurely. "What about Lunch?" He asks in confusion.

"I have something to do with Ezra, so I won't be here. I'll see you ater school." I tell him, and he frowns but nods nonetheless. I turn and start walking towards my class, picking up on their conversation a bit.

"-stop hanging out with her, she's bad news."

"You guys are mean to her for no reason. She's the best person I've met here so far." He argues, and I smile to myself and continue walking.


Around 11, I leave Campus and drive to Ezra's school.

"Thanks for coming." He murmurs to me.

"It's what big sisers are for, Kid." I respond, patting his head. We get called into the Principals office, and the two of us go inside.

"Miss DeAngelo, nice to see you again." He says, and I force myself to shake his hand. "Mr and Mrs.-"

"They're busy." i cut him off, sititng down.

Mom and Dad are at the Doctors, getting some tests and bloodwork done for Mom. So I had to step in and come to this meeting with the Principal about Ezra.

"So, as you know Mr.DeAngelo is a straight A student. Highest GPA in the whole school, and probably the smartest kid in the school." He says, and I nod. "Well, we're not the only ones that have noticed. Recently one of our counselors has received an Email from multiple Ivy League schools, asking about Mr.DeAngelo and his availability for Colleges." He explains.

"That's great, Ez. Why didn't you tell us?" I say, looking at Ez who is sitting in his chair uncomfortably, tapping his finger against his knee and staring at the ground.


"Mr.DeAngelo, declined every single offer." He then says, and I keep my face blank. "I'm not sure if it has something to do with family, money, or some kind of personal thing. But i highly suggest you-."

Fallen AngelsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon