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"Only bought this dress so you could take it off"- Dress by Taylor Swift


Waking up is one of my least favorite times of the day for many reasons. One of those being that when you first open your eyes you have no recollection of the events that occurred the previous day. Then of course after about five seconds of bliss, those memories come smashing into your brain like an 18-wheeler, destroying everything good.

That may have sounded a little too melodramatic.

Either way, I hate waking up, which is why I am currently trying to find my phone that's blasting my alarm throughout my room.

It's times like this when I just want to crawl in a hole and die.

Trying my best not to fall over, I roll off my bed and head to the bathroom. Stripping off all of my clothes I get into the shower, avoiding looking in the mirror.

I'd rather not have a mental breakdown at 8:00 in the morning.

I put some shampoo into my hand and then lather it all over my head, then do the same with the conditioner.

Somehow I end up on the floor of the shower, laying back and letting the water pelt down on to me. Out of everything, this is the only thing that effectively calms me down when my anxiety gets bad. Even when I feel fine it's still a good relaxer. Most of the time though I just like to sit here and reflect on all of the mistakes I've made in my life.

Lately, there has been a lot of those to think about.

Once I've had enough, I step out of the shower and walk up to the mirror. Wiping all of the steam off it, I stare at my face and wonder how sometimes I can feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and at other times feel like a glorified Voldemort.

Today it's the latter.

I hear my phone ringing so I quickly get a towel and grab my phone. I see Anna's name flash across the screen before I hit accept.

"Hey Dais, are you doing anything today?" she says, way to chipper for 8 o'clock in the morning.

I wasn't doing anything today but that didn't mean I wanted to.

Suck it up and be social for once in your life.

"I mean I don't really have anyth-" I barely get anything out before I am rudely interrupted.

"Great, i'll pick you up in a few. Love you!"

The line disconnects. Great. Now I have no choice but to go talk to people.

I guess it could be good to talk to someone about the whole Elias situation. I don't even know how to feel about it to be completely honest. But, that is exactly why I need to get someone else's opinion on the whole issue.

Walking over to my closet I stare at my clothes, trying to decide what to wear. This is always one of the most stressful parts of my day. In the end, I decide to go with a yellow floral dress and a pair of white sneakers.

While i'm heading down the stairs I catch a glimpse of my brother's back walking into his room. I made sure to text him last night about picking up my stuff from dickhead's house today.

Walking into his room I hop onto his bed and make myself comfortable, "Where were you last night, I didn't see you in your room?"

Ash glances at me and then back to his closet, "Just some usual business stuff, nothing you need to worry about", he says this with a slight smile, "but there is something else that I need to talk to you about."

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