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"Cause since you've been gone I've got along but I've been sad" - Reflections by The Neighbourhood



Are you kidding?

He doesn't recognize me.

Why would he? You guys haven't seen each other since you were like twelve and he obviously didn't care enough about you to reach out these past years.

I can't help the word that slips past my lips.


His whole body stills for a moment. Any longer and I might think he wasn't breathing. Slowly he turns his head towards me. I can see all of the emotion swirling in his eyes.

At this angle his face is no longer covered in shadows. I can see every part of it. The same face that that I prayed to see again, everyday for the past 6 years.

He's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. He has a long scar running from the middle of his eyebrow through his eye. Barely noticeable freckles are littered across his face. His jawline looks like it could cut freakin rocks. But his most noticeable feature is his eyes, that look like they're constantly staring into your soul.

God, his eyes.

I don't know how I didn't realize it was him the second we met each others gaze. All those years that I spent wishing that I would get to see them again, and when I finally get the chance I don't even recognize that they're his.

I suddenly feel a sense of guilt spiraling in my chest.


Realizing that I was just blankly staring at him for the past five minutes, I decide to look away.

I don't know why i'm getting so shy now. I should be mad at him for everything that he did. I didn't want to believe all of the things that dad said about him at first, but after you start to hear them everyday it's kinda hard not to. I mean he pretty much proved dads point. He's been here this whole time, yet not once has he tried to contact me to tell me that he's okay and that he wasn't murdered by his parents six years ago.

Do I even have room to be mad at him?

I mean I didn't exactly reach out either. In my defense, dad wouldn't let me no matter how hard I tried.

And trust me I tried, really hard.

He once caught me sneaking out of my window one night, so that I could go to Eli's house and try to ask him what happened and try to talk to him. Let's just say that I ended that night with multiple bruises and a busted lip.

For some reason I still tried to sneak out after that happened. Four times to be exact. Each time the punishment got increasingly more painful.

By the time that I was able to drive and have more freedom I had grown to resent Eli. He was older than me, so in my mind that meant he should have been able to find a way for us to be together, despite what our parents thought. All of the things my dad told me about him didn't exactly positively impact my opinion of him over the years.

I didn't know whether to believe the things that dad said or not. I still don't know what to think. But one thing I do know is that it is significantly easier to believe the person that didn't straight up leave you.

Deciding that it's probably a good time to acknowledge Eli, I turn my head towards him once more.

He's no longer looking at me in the eyes, but at my neck. Why in the world would he be looking at-

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