Chapter 28 Despair and Protection 2/2

Start from the beginning

Edward goes to the library where Bella, Carlisle, Alice and Jasper are researching about babies, Edward goes into the computer and looks for legends about immortal children and when they appear he sees the images with information about them.

That at birth their thirst for blood will become an addiction and that they can be dangerous both for the one who finds them and the mother and that annoys Edward and he leaves the library angry and the others see him and get tense

That at birth their thirst for blood will become an addiction and that they can be dangerous both for the one who finds them and the mother and that annoys Edward and he leaves the library angry and the others see him and get tense

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The next day Esme prepares meals for the boys to watch all night without rest to protect Nati which she is eternally grateful

Esme: take guys {smiling}

Seth: thank you very much - he grabs it and smiles at Esme-

Esme offers the food to Leah and she tense grabs it and nods which affected Esme a bit but she understands

Esme: take jake .. you have to be strong {smiling}

Jacob: thank you {smiles slightly}

Esme: you're welcome {smile}

At home

Carlisle: {sighs} you have a broken rib ... it's not splintered at least and they haven't pierced anything.

Edward: still {tense}

Bella: Edward

Edward: they are breaking his bones ... they are destroying you from the inside

Natalia sees it trite but with anger

Edward: carlisle tell him what you told us ... say it

Carlisle: ...- go to nati-

Nati: tell me once and for all, carlisle {tense}

Carslisle: - sits next to her- the fetuses are not compatible with your body - see that it tenses- they are too strong and will not allow you to receive the necessary nutrition they are starving you and I can not stop or delay them, at this rate you heart will fail before delivery {worried}

Nati: -she denies with watery eyes- I'll hold out as long as she can and-interrupts her-

Carlisle: nati! ... there are some conditions that even poison cannot overcome, do you understand? sorry

Nati: I am more sorry because I will give everything to give birth

Edward leaves angry and Carlisle leaves sad to calm Edward and Bella stays with her

Nati: beautiful ... sorry

Bella: we can't live without you

Nati: but you will have pieces of me with you and you will need them ... it cannot be that Emmett is the only one who speaks to my belly

Bella: do you really think that others could love them? or even tolerate them .. if they kill you?

Nati: they will not be to blame ... they are boys or girls forming thanks to sexual relations ... because despite everything ... all of you are responsible for this ... especially the boys because they were the parents and they have to accept who they are .. they are their children

Bella stays quiet because she knows it's true

Bella: why didn't you give us a choice! - He looks at her- we were all going to live happily and share everything, don't forget it, but you decided this alone .. you decided to leave us

Nati: how can you say that ?! don't see it that way

Edward: Well, we have no other way of seeing it -inning- because we will all lose you and we don't choose it -grab Bella-

When they are about to leave Nati speaks to them hurt and determined

Nati: if life allows me to live or not. I will be happy that MY babies live life as I lived it, and I hope that when you remove the blindfold and see you as your children ... I hope it is not too late to regret ... why yes i don't live i told jacob to take them away and raise them as if they were his and leah's. but if I live ... I'll make sure they don't see them again because I can forgive ... but don't forget to make it clear to them {serious}

Edward and Bella are surprised by what Nati said and they come out more than upset and sad by what she said

Nati: {crying} why can't they accept them?

Rosalie: - come in - nati love it's time to wash - see her - what happened ?!

Nati: - it calms down - it doesn't matter .. it's the pregnancy hormones

Rosalie: -doubtful- okay. the bath will calm you down and so you relax because those beautiful little angels see radiant mom when they are born {smiling}

Nati: and since when do they worry you?

Rosalie: I was always worried {sigh}, maybe at first it bothered me because we would lose you but ... seeing the happiness and the complement in Emmett's eyes ... made me remember when I was human and the desire to start a family

Nati: but what if I die? What will become of my babies? {worried}

Rosalie: that will not happen .. and if it happens .. I give you my word that we will protect and love those children as they have never loved before ... forever and always -she promises-

Nati tears out and kisses her and she sighs with love

Rosalie: I missed your kisses {whispers}

Nati: and I {smile slightly}

Rosalie: come let's take a bath

Rosalie picks her up and little by little they walk to the bathroom when they arrive Rosalie had her tub ready, she helped her take off her clothes and put on a bathrobe and sat her down while she filled the tub

A few minutes passed and the tub was full, Nati gets up and lowers her robe a little and looks in the mirror, when she looked up she saw Alice and Jasper outside the bathroom looking at her in the mirror, Nati pulls up her robe covering herself and Rose notices and closes the door in their faces

Rosalie: calm nati. Come put bubbles for you as you like {smiling}

Nati: thank you rose - she gives him a pick -

Rosalie helps her get in and when she gets in she helps her bathe while she caresses the belly that she always dreamed of having but she wishes it weren't those circumstances

Rosalie helps her get in and when she gets in she helps her bathe while she caresses the belly that she always dreamed of having but she wishes it weren't those circumstances

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