"Girl why you so HOT!" Tez yelled jokingly, wanting his friend to know how great she looked. Dee laughed at the boy and watched as Judah stood up from his spot on the couch and headed towards her. They met halfway and he beamed widely at her.

"You look beautiful" he told her, breathing out. Dee blushed.

"Thank you, nice outfit" she teased him, he was wearing the same white shirt and black trousers he wore for their first proper date before. He laughed and nodded.

"It was the only nice outfit I packed for coming here and if I buy more clothes I'll have to pay extra at the airport for my luggage" he explained.

"I'm kidding, Judah. I like the outfit" she chuckled softly. He laughed and nodded with her.

"We better get going" he told her, feeling slightly nervous for the evening as he didn't want anything to go wrong.

Dee followed him out of the house as everyone shouted goodbye to them. They headed for Hayes' car which he allowed them to borrow again and got inside.

"So where are we going to this time?" Dee asked him curiously as he started up the engine.

"You'll see" he smirked at her before backing out of the driveway.

They were driving for about 15 minutes before pulling up to a cute restaurant.

"Nice pick, Lewis" Dee smirked, looking out of the window and admiring the building in front of them.

"Thanks, now lets go" he told her, feeling quite hungry as well.

They walked inside hand in hand and Judah spoke to the waitress telling her the name the reservation was under before they were guided to their candle lit table which also had rose petals all over it.

"Oh my god, this is amazing" Dee gasped as she saw how romantic the table looked.

"You like it?" Judah asked her as he stood beside her, smiling slightly.

"It's perfect" she smiled up at him, giving him a small peck on the cheek before they sat themselves down opposite each other.

The waitress handed them their menu's each and dispersed so that they could have a look at them.

"Did you request for the table to look like this?" Dee asked the boy, feeling overwhelmed. He blushed and nodded.

"Yeah..." he told her. She felt her heart warm up as he said that.

"You're so cute" she told him, smiling from ear to ear. He smiled with her and they both looked back down at their menu's.

They ordered their food and had conversation the whole time they were at the restaurant. When they finished up with eating, Judah paid the bill and they were on their way back to the car, hand in hand, just like before.

"We're not quite going home yet, I have a surprise for you" he told her as they reached the car. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before getting into the car. They travelled for about ten minutes before pulling up at the top of a hill which had barriers where you could look over and see the view. The view was insane. You could see all the lights in North Carolina, it looked beautiful.

"Wow" Dee breathed out, staring ahead of her in awe.

"I know how you like looking at views...someone told me about this place, so I thought we could chill here for a little bit" he told her softly, turning to face her from his seat in the car. Dee smiled back at him and unclipped her seat belt.

The pair got out of the car and walked round to the front bumper, staring at the view ahead of them. Judah leaned against the bumper of the car whilst Dee rested her hands on the barrier, looking ahead at the view. Judah wasn't watching the lights, he was watching as Dee's hair was being blown out of her face by the wind and how the smile never left her face. She eventually turned around to face him and they locked eyes.

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