20. 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗

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"So does that mean you're gonna help me spike the punch bowl too Liv?"

"So does that mean you're gonna help me spike the punch bowl too Liv?"

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PROM WAS COMING UP AND EVERYONE WAS FREAKING OUT.  "I've been to Ann Taylor Loft, Filene's Basement, and, like, six Forever 21s and I can not find a dress that fits." Lauren groaned, "I'm gonna be forced to make my own dress for prom."

"Don't." Brittany advised with a shake of her head, "You'll seem poor."

"Well, even if you made your own dress you wouldn't seem poor." Olivia assured, "But I'm sure we can find something for you.  We should all go dress shopping.".

"You're up for Queen, you can't make your own prom dress." Santana agreed, "Prom is like our Oscars. It's seriously, like, the most important night of our lives."

"What about getting married?" Olivia asked scrunching her eyebrows at Santana's exaggeration.

Quinn was quick to disagree, "Oh, you can get married as many times as you want. You only have one shot at your Junior Prom."

That's when Mercedes walked into the room, "What are you guys talking about?" She asked.

"Prom dresses." Lauren answered, playing with her nails.

At the name of the subject Mercedes' face dropped but she quickly covered it up with a relieved sigh, "Thank God I don't have to worry about that. I'm not going."

"Why not?" Kurt asked intrigued.

"Cause nobody's asked me." Mercedes shrugged an awkward silence entering the room.

Luckily, Mr. Shue came in cutting the tension, "Alright, guys – prom."

"Please tell me we're not doing songs about prom." Sam murmured crossing his arms.  He was a bit upset that he didn't have enough money to ask Olivia to the dance.  He just hoped someone else wouldn't.  

"Nope – we are the prom." Mr. Shue corrected before explaining, "Figgins has asked us to perform."

"Let's do Run Joey Run." Rachel proposed earning sceptical looks from everyone else.

Well, everyone except Olivia who jumped out of her seat cheering, "Yes!  I am one hundreds percent on board with that."

But Will just ignored the girls continuing, "Now, I know this isn't ideal with Nationals coming up, but we really don't have a choice. And, we could really use the money.  But I know that prom is a special rite of passage." Mr. Shue sympathized, "I want to make sure that all of you guys get a chance to enjoy the dance, too. So we're gonna stag at the performances so that each and every one of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates."

As everyone began to clamour in excitement, Mercedes, who was quite the entire time suddenly jumped out of her seat whispering, "Excuse me."

"Is she okay?" Mr. Shue asked concerned

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