17. 𝚊 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚗𝚎𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝

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"THIS IS SALTWATER TAFFY." Mr. Shue explained while grabbing a handful of the colorful candies from the basket placed on top of the piano, "When I was a student here, we paid for our entire trip to nationals selling this classroom to classroom, door to door. We pushed this stuff like crack. And so will we. So to make $5,000 at 25 cents apiece we need to sell 20,000 pieces of taffy."

"Wait. Do you honestly think that we can sell 20,000 anythings?  We won regionals for the first time since dinosaurs roamed the planet and I still got a freakin' cherry ICEE facial. " Santana said crossing her arms as Quinn nodded her head,  "Yeah, Santana's right. Nobody cares about us."

Frowning, Mr. Shue was about to retaliate when Mike sprung out of his seat mumbling, "I can't listen to this.  You guys complain all the time about being mistreated but you have no idea what it's like to work your butt off for something and have everyone, even your friends, ignore you."

While most of the teens looked at Mike in guilt, Lauren just tilted her head confused, "I'm so trying to remember his name right now."

But Mike just ignored the girl continuing, "Artie, Tina, Brittany, Olivia and I are on the Brainiacs."

"Isn't that the Academic Decathlon team?" Puck asked just as confused as the rest of the teens, "We have one of those?"

"Yes, we do."  Artie answered shortly, "And the four of us went on the Smarty Pants Show and beat Carmel High to go to the Academic Decathlon finals in Detroit next week."

"You guys were on TV?" Rachel asked as Sam cocked his head in confusion, "Why didn't you tell us about it?"

"We did." Olivia replied glaring at the boy, who immediately sunk back into his seat, "And it's too bad that you guys didn't listen because we're a kickass team.  Sadly, we can't afford to go to the finals, so we're gonna have to forfeit."

"Why don't you just have your parents pay for it?" Finn asked. 

"Because we shouldn't have to." Tina answered defiantly, "We're a school club. The school should pay for it. It's a matter of pride."

"You guys are absolutely right." Mr. Shue agreed, "How much do you need to make the trip?"

Thinking for a bit, Olivia calculated, "With gas and motels, if we only ate Funyuns, uh, $250."

Smiling widely Mr. Shue grinned, "Which means we just need to sell more taffy."



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