16. 𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜

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"GUYS, I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS." Mr. Shue announced solemnly, "You know how we decided on "Sing" by My Chemical Romance for Regionals. Well, I hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. We can't do it."

At that the group groaned, Puck shaking his head, "Ugh, it was the perfect anthem."

Crossing her arms Olivia scoffed rhetorically, "How much do you wanna bet Coach Sylvester had something to do with this?"

"One step ahead of you." Mr. Shue sighed recounting his accusal to Sue earlier that day.

"So, what are we gonna do now?" Mercedes asked in just as much despair as everyone else.

Raising her hand shyly Rachel suggested, "I think...we should write original songs for Regionals."

"All those in favor of voting Rachel down a second time?" Santana questioned, almost everyone raising their hands.

Surprisingly, along with Finn, the only other person who didn't raise her hand was Quinn who slyly agreed, "No, I think Rachel's right. This team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different."

"Well, that's true but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs."  Mercedes argued, "We're not gonna be so good."

"You're right, we're not gonna be as good." Quinn smiled, "We're gonna be better. We won't be using other peoples' words or music. It'll be our own. Our own heart, soul, not just our voices. We have a really talented songwriter in our midst."  Quinn finished resting her case, "Rachel? I was thinking maybe you and I could write a song together."  Quinn asked, Rachel lightly smiling. But unlike Rachel, Olivia was not as oblivious noticing that Quinn had some other motive to all this.  Don't get Olivia wrong, she loved the girl, but it's fair to say that the blonde never really was a team player.

"I'm with Quinn and Rachel." Finn grinned, "I mean, if these two can agree on something it's probably an idea worth considering."

Scrunching her eyebrows, Santana crossed her eyebrows stating, "W-wait, wait. So, suddenly you two are writing the music for Regionals? No way."

Nodding her head, Olivia continued, "Yeah, Santana's right.  If we're going to do this original song thing we should do it right. I think that everyone should get a chance to write a song."

Quick to come to the girl's side Sam agreed, "Liv's right Mr. Shue, we can do this."

As Olivia sent a kind grin to Sam, Mercedes turned to a bit weary Mr. Shue asking, "So what do you think Mr. Shue?"

Staying quiet for a bit, a smile began to appear on the teacher's face answering, "I think we're doing original song for Regionals."



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OLIVIA COULD NOT WRITE A SONG FOR THE LIFE OF HER.  But it wasn't really the lyrics part that was throwing her off, rather just putting a melody together.  So, instead of writing her own song, Olivia resulted in helping everyone else write theirs.  She had helped Mercedes, Brittany, Santana, and Puck with theirs and not to toot her own horn but they weren't bad.  In fact, Olivia was quite happy to showcase them today at glee practice.

Fortunately for her, Mr. Shue was quick to start off the meeting beginning, "While Quinn and Rachel are hard at work, we are gonna try and write an anthem of our own. Now, these are rhyming dictionaries for all of you."  

As their director began passing out books to everyone, Santana rose her hand stating, "Uh Mr. Shue, Olivia and I have been uh already working on a song that we wrote."

"Really?" Mr. Shue asked pleasantly shocked, "That's amazing. Can we hear it?"

With a quick nod Olivia and Santana made their way to the front of the room as the rest of the teens clapped encouragingly.  

As Olivia went to sit on the piano seat, Santana took front and center smiling, "This is a song for Sam. It's called Trouty Mouth."

Giving a quick glance at Sam, Olivia could see his shocked face but decided to swallow the snort and play the intro to her and Santana's phenomenal song.


Halfway through the amazing song, Sam jumped out of his seat signaling for the band to stop the music, "Okay. Can we stop? Stop with the mouth jokes."

"Sit down." Santana demanded as Olivia nodded her head stating, "Yeah we're not finished."

Turning to face Olivia, Sam replied tiredly, "Yes you are. Mr. Shue we're not doing a song at Regionals called Trouty Mouth."

"Uh y-you know what I have to agree with Sam on this one." Mr. Shue said, "But, such a good first effort. I just don't think it's got the epic feel we need for Regionals."

With that the two girls sat back down, Olivia going to take a seat by a still very unhappy Sam.  The frown was still clear on his face and Olivia was beginning to feel bad.  It wasn't as if she was trying to hurt his feelings, and she was starting to feel really bad.  

Turning to the boy, Olivia shot him an apologetic smile saying, "I'm sorry if the song was too much."

Sam was still mad, but the look on the girl's face was enough to melt his anger.  Giving Olivia a weak smile he replied, "It's fine Liv.  Don't worry about it."

Giving a sigh of relief, Olivia stated, "And if it helps, I think trouty mouths are actually kinda cute."  

At this, Sam gave a large genuine smile but sadly, before he could return the compliment, Puck raised his hand announcing, "Uh, Mr. Schue I wrote a song too. I wrote it for Lauren. I-I know that when I sang "Fat Bottomed Girls" it might have hurt her feelings a little bit but, I think this makes up for it. It's got a bit of a rock-a-billy feel so it'd give us an edge this weekend."

Grinning at his second contestant Mr. Shue nodded, "All right. Show us what you got."

"It's called "Big Ass...Heart.  Oh, and I'd like to give a special thanks to Liv for helping me write it."  With that, Olivia gave the boy a thumbs up, song beginning.


As everyone watched in amusement, Olivia turned to a now happy Sam teasing, "Trouty mouth song isn't so bad now huh?"

"Definitely not" Sam admitted with a chuckle

Perking up Olivia leaned in a bit suggesting, "Does that mean you wanna hear the second part?"

"Definitely not."

𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ☞s. evansWhere stories live. Discover now