During our conversation, Bella was watching me cautiously. I don't blame her however I feel like she is hiding something. Something she's obviously not comfortable sharing.

"Va bene, è confusa e ha bisogno di cibo. So che è mattina presto, ma le offrirò qualcosa comunque. Ci vediamo a casa fratello." I exhaled then rubbed my forehead, stressed.

He hung up and I made my way back to my bambina.



After his phone call, Elijah came back and offered me something to eat. I declined, he could just be tricking me and making a fool out of me. Offering me food, giving it to me then beating me because I didn't deserve it. He did that once, or maybe a couple times.

"Are you sure, honey?" A flash of concern crossed his features. I just nodded turning away from him. I wasn't a fan of eye contact.

I observed the IV drip stuck in the back of my hand, and it was not a pleasant feeling. I eyed my 'brother' then ripped it out since he wasn't looking.

Damn that shit hurt like a bitch. I groaned and assessed my situation. A seizure? Really?

What the hell is wrong with me? People who have seizures have epilepsy, right? I know that but I don't have that brain disorder.

I can't.

I tried to speak, my voice sounding hoarse and croaky. It hurt to swallow. "E-Elijah.." His head turned immediately, eyes widdened.

"Bella, bambina. Oh honey, don't speak, okay? Do not strain your throat." He held my shoulders, making sure I understood. The eye contact was uncomfortable but the physical contact was even worse. I whimpered and shook my shoulders, turning my head to the side. My hands gripped to white sheets and I hoisted myself further back and away from him.

He got the message, guilt and hurt filling his eyes. I felt a little bad but why should I feel uncomfortable? I should be able to feel safe in any environment, not always on my guard. That didn't occur often though.

There was a little blood dot on my skin from where the needle was. I licked my thumb and wiped it off with my hand.


I was feeling sleepy even though I think I slept for quite a while because the sun was rising. Deciding I wanted to hybernate for all of eternity, I shimmied my way onto my side for a more comfortable position. I always liked sleeping in a fetal position, it felt comforting. And kept me warm.

It seemed Elijah heard the bed moving because he sat on the side I was facing, him facing me. I closed my eyes and his hand came to rest on my cheek. Why the touchy feely?



I whined and turned to face the other side. His deep exhale sounded. I sighed too.

"Sweetheart, why'd you take the IV out? It was in there for a reason." I felt a hand rub my hip, a thumb creating circular motions. Soothing circular motions.

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't like it, it reminded me of the needles that father- I mean, my step-father used to use to get high. The needles sometimes littered the living room floor, syringes empty and dirty. And I'd be the one to clean them up. I was often suprised he didn't get infections from them.

But when he was as high as the sky, he became more derranged. More violent. More cruel. It was not nice. I shuddered at the memories.


I came home from school one day, tired and ready for a good nights rest.

When I entered, father was in the middle of taking a needle out of his arm. Ouch.

His head snapped up to me, glaring. He then wobbled over to where I was standing. Once within reach, his fist connected with my face. I flinched.

Another and another and another. He didn't stop, maybe he couldn't.

"I'm s-sorry. S-Stop pl-please, stop-" I begged, blood dripping from the cuts he made on my head.

"Bella." A voice called out which seemed far away.

"No! I hate you! You deserve this, you killed my wife!" I didn't. She left. She left me too, not just you!

"No, s-sir, I didn't. I swear! D-Daddy-" I tried to plead with him.

"I'm not your daddy! Don't you ever call me that, slut!" He kicked my chest. I was now laid on the floor, surrounded by needles.


"Bella, honey." That voice again.

"Bella!" I blinked my eyes open, jumping up to sitting. My breathing was a bit uneven. Elijah sat there with his hand on my shoulder, shaking it slightly.

I didn't realise it but I zoned out. Hard.

Ohh, shit.

"W-what?" Is what I tried to get out but it came out as more of a silent squeak. My eyes were wide from the physical 'affection'. My brother's eyes held hurt. Well I was hurt. The man I used to call father hurt me, he shouldn't have a pained look in his eye.

"Are you feeling okay, honey? You scared me a little, you sort of... spaced out." His touch was long gone by now, which I was greatful for.

I nodded rapidly. "Okay, okay. Don't stress, bambina. It's okay. You're fine now." A man entered the room and I sat up alert.

Elijah reached out to place his hand on my leg, for comfort I presume, but it seems he finally learned his lesson and pulled back. The man spoke, "You're awake. That's good, let's get a look at your vitals then." He gestured for Elijah to get up, he did and then went ahead with checking my vitals.

His hands sometimes came to touch me and when that happened I would move away. He tried to get my 'brother' to but I wouldn't let him touch me either. They both sighed and gave up and by then my body was so tense it hurt. I guess the added tensity of my limbs from the seizure and fear of the men, was taking a toll on my body.

I wanted sleep more than anything.

The man, who I now know as Dr. Miller, discharged me so Elijah and I left. We walked through the halls, me being careful not to bump into the scary men that we passed by. The men with dark tattoos and black clothes on. The men that wore black sunglasses inside and in winter. The men that had guns on display, tucked into their waistbands.

They were scary alright.

They gave Elijah tight, short nods and gave me one too. Why? Don't ask me.

We arrived outside at last, and I couldn't be happier. That place was highly suspicious, to say the least.


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