"Sometimes, simple is better...okay, are you ready? It nearly time."

"Almost." Avery replied as she tucked the end of the braid into the other end, then twisted the lock of hairs that she had let down beside her ears to make them look tendrils. "Okay, let's go."

Walking out of the shop, Claire hooked her arm around Avery as they headed towards the townhall and so did many others girls, both of whom were in the required age group and the ones who weren't. Looking at the all the women around, a sense of panic and hopelessness started to crawl up Avery's spine.

"Nan we should go back home?" She stopped walking, prompting her grandmother to do the same.

"Why? Did you forget something?" Claire asked in concern.

"No I...I don't think that I can do this. This is not who I am and look at all the girls around us, I don't stand a chance so let's just go home. There's a lot of work to do at the shop and we are just wasting our time here."

"Sweetheart," Claire began, firmly grasping both of Avery's hand in hers and looking her straight in the eyes. "I know that you are nervous and scared but you must not let those emotions run your life. Remember that you are a child of God, now chin up and let's go."

Once they walked around the street, Avery saw a large crowd had gathered in front of it with palace guards situated in front of the building acting as a barricade, keeping the crowd from getting in. There were even news reporters and their vans around, with cameramen trying to get some footage and photos of the eligibles. It was chaotic

"Good heaven's. What is this?" Claire gasped, flabbergasted.

"Avery! Avery! Please make way!" A woman called from somewhere within the crowd.

Regardless of Avery being taller than most of the women in town as well as a few of the men, she found it difficult to locate the owner until she saw a path been cleared through the crowd heading towards her and her grandmother. Then she saw that it was because of the Sheriff's officers who were holding the people back to clear a path in the middle and there was a young man in a navy blue suit that was walking towards them.

"Are you Miss Avery Cartwright?" He asked her when he got to them.

"Yes, I am." Avery replied.

"Please follow me."

"My nan-"

"May come too."

"Nanna." Avery reached over and held her grandmother's hand and began walking through the crowd behind the suited man until they came to the front where Mrs. Acaster was waiting for them.

"Thank you." She thanked the man, then placed her hand on the small of Avery's back and firmly pushed her towards the steps of the building. "Hurry my dear. Most the other girls have already arrived and are waiting inside."

"You go on inside. I'll catch up." Claire told Avery.

But it wasn't even time yet. There was roughly seven minutes more left, Avery wanted to say but bit her tongue and followed Mrs. Acaster instructions, and hurry up the steps over to the doors that the guards there held open for her, then into the building.

"Your name, please?" A woman dressed in fine tailored navy blue jacket and pencil skirt, that matched the man's asked her when she walked into the room.

"Avery Cartwright." Avery told her looking around the hall.

The chairs were lined up the same way they were before, rows on either sides of the large room but only there were fewer chairs now. And on the stage was a podium with six chairs lined vertical behind it with Madam Eunice, the Sheriff, Mayor, the High school's Headmistress and a unfamiliar man and woman all seated there in their best outfits.

"Okay. Please find yourself a seat. We'll be starting soon." The woman told Avery with a nod, then she walked off down the aisle, towards the stage.

Looking to her right Avery saw a empty seat so she quickly went over to it and sat down just as the woman handed the clipboard that she was held over to Madam Eunice, whispered something in her ear then left the stage.

Looking around, Avery saw that majority of the girls were dressed to impressed and suddenly felt way underdressed but quickly pushed that thought away and looked back up at the stage, watching the six people talk amongst each other before Madam Eunice stepped up to the podium.

"Good day ladies and gentlemen. After countless hours of reading through hundreds of applicants and sleepless nights, the King and Queen, Royal committee and I have finally selected the three young women who will be given a chance in a lifetime to marry our Prince and become a royal." Madam Eunice spoke into the microscope, looking out at the crowd of young women. "It wasn't an easy task at to be honest as there are many of you young women that have excellent attributes and mannerisms that your town leaders clarified were true, but in the end, there are only three places."

Avery could feel and almost taste the anxiety, anticipation, excitement and nervousness in the air. It was overwhelming and a little contagious.

"I hereby invite these young women on behalf of the our gracious highnesses, King Stefan and Queen Sofia, that they will work to the best of their abilities to bring honour to their families and our home, the Kingdom of Terrigal." Madam Eunice continued.

Avery began sweating bullets at this point. Why did she have to say it like that, now she was putting more pressure on them.

"Please arise and come to the stage; Linda Wong. Cassandra Henderson. And Avery Cartwright."

Avery felt the air leave her lungs when Madam Eunice announced her name. She couldn't believe it. She was utterly baffled and rendered speechless.


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