Chapter 42: From Now On

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Kuroo reaches out his hand and tilts Jun's chin gently upward. Her ears are red, eyes avoiding his and her lips...they strain themselves to maintain a straight line — an attempt to keep her composure at bay. The attempt is there, but Kuroo can see right through it.

It's an absolute treat to see her like this.

"Look at me." Kuroo whispers. Jun's eyes meet his.

Kuroo places a hand on her face, admiring her deeply. He feels his mouth dry up and he swallows.

"I like you. I can say it again if you're not convinced. I like you. " He inches closer, his fondness clinging to each word.

"Jun Amemori. I like you. I like you have a smart mouth and we get to bicker sometimes. I like seeing you do things you like to do, and how excited you get over sacks of flour going on sale. I like that you're resilient, no matter what trouble you get yourself into. And I really, really enjoy annoying you to no ends. I like you."

Jun's head feels dizzy.

"Okay, okay. I get it!"

Jun lets out a shaky breath, her hand lifting to lay on Kuroo's hand on her cheek. It's almost unfair— his boyish shyness and still manage to be the biggest sap overwhelms her. With his face flushed, hair looking like a ruffian, and skin smelling of sweat — he manages to effortlessly bring Jun's stomach to churn wildly.

It's unfair. Absolutely unfair.

Kuroo hums contently, and they stay like that for a while. Jun can feel the warmth of Kuroo's hand, the roughness from the callouses. He's telling her about her resilience... when he's the embodiment of that.

"So..." Kuroo takes her hand squeezes it. He glances up at her nervously. "How do you feel about me?"

Jun raises her brows.

"I feel the same way, don't I?" Jun blushes, brows crinkling, confused. "You already know."

Kuroo sighs defeatedly. "You said you think you like me. Not for sure."

Jun did not peg Kuroo as someones so fixed on semantics.

"Kuroo, I..."

She finds herself struggling to repeat herself. Hell, confronting Jun's own feelings is like seeing a full moon eclipse. Think about it: in all the years of being brutally hated and sneered at, of social isolation, of deprivation of a normal life, of repressing her own feelings for her mother's convenience... but with him — but with Kuroo

suddenly, it's all okay?

Are you sure, it's all okay to let it all out?

Kuroo... I like you.

Kuroo, I really like you.


Kuroo interrupts her ruminating with his pointer finger, wagging playfully in front of her.

"Ah. Ah. Ah." He cracks a grin. "No need to force it. Defeats the purpose, you know?"

A wave of guilt washes over Jun. She wishes speaking those words wouldn't be so difficult.

"Are you.. disappointed?"

"Disappointed? Psh." Kuroo's laughter  gives Jun a painful reminder of how handsome he is. "Look, knowing that you don't hate me is good news enough...I'll just try harder from now on, so that you can tell me how you feel when you really mean it."

Jun looks down where their hands are holding. "From now on.."

Jun feels Kuroo squeeze her hand reassuringly. "Yeah. From now on."

The urge to kiss her is unbearable, especially knowing her feeling are the same. It feels almost like gravity — pulling him closer and closer. Looking at Jun now, the flush on her cheeks and the suppleness of her skin... And the way her eyelashes blink slowly. It was a lot for Kuroo to take in, and it takes the strength of Hercules to not give in and close the space between them.

He didn't want to surprise her — he can tell that her feelings are overwhelming her as is. For someone who's persistent, Kuroo is strangely a patient character.

Kuroo finally gets up from the ground. He holds his hand out and helps Jun up. Upon helping her up, he doesn't let go. The simple touch of hands, who knew it was enough to send Kuroo over the moon?

Jun, still flustered, feels Kuroo's thumb rub circles on the back of her hand.

When it was time to head back, the sound of rain has hushed itself. It has reduced itself to a quiet drizzle. They approach the exit of the gym, just up ahead on the stairs before them.

Jun walks ahead and lets go of Kuroo's hand, and Kuroo feels a little deflated. As expected... perhaps it would be best if the team waiting outside don't know yet. And in the dingy, white lights and the humid air of the hallway, Kuroo follows close behind Jun as they climbed up the stairs.

Jun turns around and faces Kuroo. He stops, startled at the sudden stop. He looks up at her.

"Forgot something?"

When words fail...

Jun leans forward, closing the space between them with a brief kiss — just a brief touch of the lips.

Kuroo didn't have much time to react, eyes blown huge.

Jun draws back. Kuroo takes this as the green light and taking a shark inhale, Kuroo chases her back, kissing her back firmly. His eyes closed, he feels his hand be gripped by Jun's tightly, the other cupping her face.

The second time around feels like a shock to Jun's system. Her senses are overwhelmed with the smell and warmth of Kuroo. It feels like — it feels like the world is spinning wildly, feeling her legs almost give out. Jun holds onto Kuroo to keep herself grounded as they kiss.

And Kuroo? Oh god Kuroo. Gods help him. His chest — if his heart was palpitating earlier, this strikes Kuroo's finishing blow. It takes all of Kuroo's willpower to not collapse. Without much thought, he parts his lips slightly, and he tentatively slips his tongue ...

Jun jumps at the sensation, falling backwards. Kuroo immediately catches her by the hand and pulls her back up.

"Are you all embarrassed now?" Kuroo says breathlessly, marveling at Jun's blushing face. "Sorta got carried away, my bad."

"Er... It's fine." Jun says, looking away. "It was just uh... unexpected."

That sensation is enough to arouse stupid thoughts in Jun's head... She's going to need some time to scrub her mind clean. Damn it.. Damn it Kuroo.

At that remark, Kuroo smugly gives her a grin. From that one look alone, Kuroo figured out what she was thinking. Unamused, Jun gives a jab at Kuroo's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm wounded." He says dramatically. A small price to pay for a high reward.

Jun laughs ruthlessly. "You signed up for this."

"I know I did," Kuroo says shrugging, "you being a brute is part of the charm."

He's not sure what their futures are going to be, but as long as she's in his, and he's in hers — perhaps it'll all turn out alright.

Serendipity: Haikyuu FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz