"What brings you to Hosu green tea?" The sound of curiosity could be heard in his voice. It sounded more hostile than teasing.

"Aw don't be like that big bird, I'm just here to sight-see." 'It'd be best to be friendly. He's still a pro-hero, remember that.'

Hawks lowered his guard as he approached the male. Seeming to buy to lie he relaxed his face to appear more open. "Ah is that it? Then I suggest the bakery by the old ramen shop, they have really good cookies."

"I'll keep that in mind then, thanks for the suggestion." He gave Hawks a fake closed eye smile.

"I'll be on my way then, see you later tea." His red wings outstretched to their full length before he pushed off the ground and took off into the sky.

Grey eyes followed his wings as they fluttered away. Dropping the smile, he reached for a cigarette. 'I'll have Hu track him later and give me warnings of when he is going to pop up.' Exhaling a small amount of smoke Zihao stretched and got ready to move to a new location.

50/50 child is nearing the city. Freckles boarded the train. Engines is about to go on patrol.


'It would be better to stay near Iida. Todoroki will have his father next to him until they get here and Midoriya will be fine on the train.'

Small smoke platforms were placed in-between buildings, creating a path to where Iida was. Closing his eyes and inhaling Zihao smiled under his mask and took off into a run. Using his platforms as support, he ran across the roofs.

Every step he took felt like flying as the wind rushed past him. Only a thin layer of smoke kept him from falling onto the busy street below. An art he perfected a long while ago. The thrill of being on top of the world, just running with no one to tell him to stop. After all, shouldn't everyone be allowed to find enjoyment in their job?

He could've used his quirk to fly there but flying takes up a tremendous amount of smoke. It used up too much energy to keep him afloat but running only used his stamina. Stamina could easily be exchanged for tools in a fight, but smoke can be harder to find without a direct source.

"What in the hell is that?!"
"Phone, call Hu!" He yelled desperately. Stopping on the roof of a building Zihao looked at a winged creature fly full speed out of a purple hole.

"Zihaoo my lovee, you called me first!"

"Cut the bullshit! Cameras 117 and 119 statuses now!" Panic was evident in his voice.

"On it, 117 has been destroyed and 119 is uh directed on a large bat?" Hu said unsurely.

"Shit, locations on the three right now!" Zihao's calm tone was now long gone, he had three students all in different locations during an attack. It wasn't possible to save all three of them if they were spread out.

"Midoriya is still on the train and Todoroki is with his father. Iida is going into an alley way." Hu said with all seriousness. He knew better than to mess around in this kind of situation, especially with l/n.

"Iida's location asap! Keep an eye on the others and send frequent updates through the hearing aids!" He yelled loudly into the phone as he took off into Iida's direction.

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