The Eighth Voyage

Start from the beginning

"Of course. I know it is probably strange to say, but I would travel anywhere with you, (Y/N). I am indebted to you." He stated, bowing a little out of respect; However, I didn't tolerate it. I hated it when people put me above themselves. In this case, I didn't say anything, and ordered my sailors to set sail once more. As I looked out to the ocean, I felt a strange feeling bubbling in my chest. Something felt wrong. I pulled out my flute and gazed upon the eight-pointed star, trying my hardest to decipher its meaning. How come I felt so uneasy and sick to my stomach?

"(Y/N)?" A crew mate asked, walking toward my baffled figure, "Are you alright?" My eyes met his own for a moment before I casted my gaze downward. On one hand, I wanted to voice my worries, but I didn't want to cause more unnecessary problems than I had to. I could tolerate being strong, until we have concluded our expedition.

"Yeah, everything is alright. Let's continue our way to Maldonia." From there, I made my excursion to plenty of small, foreign countries with the intent of trade. With each one, I progressively got better at making fair deals and inexcusable arguments. Finally, after months, we finally returned to Feanel. Walking off the large ship, I was greeted with the smiling faces of the citizens. Each were different and held a great deal of culture. Greeting everyone I could, I ran into the palace and into the throne room. No one was in the room, which confused me a little. Kara came into the room with a small grin on her face.

"(Y/N), you're back!" She squealed, hugging me tightly as I hugged her back. Her smile soon faded into one of deep concern and melancholy. I was about to ask what was wrong, but she read my mind before I could say anything, "Come with me, (Y/N)." Following behind her, I was led to our parent's bedroom. Confused, I opened the door and gasped at the sight. There, my father lay in bed looking frail and sick, while my mother held onto his hand tightly. A doctor sat next to him, putting away his supplies. He got up and left the room with a small bow.

"(Y/N), my daughter, it is nice to see that you returned from your journey. Pray tell, how did the trade agreements go?" He asked, as I sat next to his sickly-looking figure. My father was pale and held no centimeter of good health. Worry started to seep over me. 'Why does he look so sick?' I asked myself, holding his hand tightly.

"T-They went well, father. I brought back someone in need, like you once did." I babbled, not knowing how to handle these new, foreign emotions. My father looked down to my flute to see an eight-pointed pentacle. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet. Not a single word left his lips about it, but I knew what he was thinking. For the time being, I decided not to say anything. My mother was in such a worried state that I doubted she would take the news lightly. After a long silence, I was drawn away to collect paperwork and write a report about my journey. The very premise of it seemed ridiculous to me, but it was my royal duty, nevertheless. After giving my full report to my father, he took my flute in hand and gazed upon the pentacle.

"Where did you get this, my child?" He queried, running his sickly fingers on the cold metal.

"I... got it while on my journey. Father? Do you know what it is?" My question was analyzed quickly and vague through my father's brain. He didn't know too much about it, but he had heard of an ancient power handed down to kings from Solomon himself; However, my father didn't have anything else to say. His state gradually worsened day by day. No one knew what was going on until it was too late. On the coldest day of the year, my father, the King of Feanel, died at the age of sixty from lead poisoning. Since my father was a potter for thirty years, the lead glaze he regularly used killed him in the most painful way possible. As I sat by his newly dug grave, I grieved immensely.

'My dear girl,' He stated, on his death bed, 'Don't live your life as I would... You are free to do whatever you please, and all I wish is your happiness... From the day you were born, you held your tears and held back your emotions... All I ask of you, is to keep your family safe, and keep doing what you love... I will always be with you... till the end... of time...' Those were his final words before his eyes grew lifeless and empty. My mother, Kara, and I cried and grieved for the next few months. As Kara and I held strong, my mother went into a great state of depression. She refused to eat, or sleep. When I was twenty, she died of a broken heart.

The next day, Kara was crowned the Queen of Feanel, and after much time, I was hired to become the High Priestess of the Church. Through my grief, I looked to my faith for an answer and a beam of hope, in my darkened world. I had sailed until my mother died. She never approved about me being on the sea without my family, so as a way to honor her, I decided to stay in Feanel, until I was ready to sail once more.

Every day, I would play my father's violin, my flute, and the one-handed harp. After my practice, I would go to the Church and help as many people as I could. Those who were sick. Those who were suffering. Most days, not a soul would come into the building for said needs. Most of the time, they prayed for whatever guidance they needed, which was a good thing. As long as the people of Feanel weren't suffering, then I wasn't suffering. As long as they are happy, then I am happy.

In the meantime, a certain 'sailor' was doing menial paperwork in his newly built palace. He thought about me every now and then, and the first question that would appear in his brain was, 'I wonder how she is doing?'

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